ImageGear .NET v24.14 - Updated
artPage Property

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace > Mark class : artPage Property
The ArtPage with which this mark is associated (if any).
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function get_artPage() : ArtPage
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfMark.get_artPage();

This property holds a reference to the ArtPage with which this mark is associated. If this mark is not associated with an ArtPage, the value of this property will be undefined. If you change the value of this property, this object will raise its propertyChanged event.

A mark can only be associated with a single ArtPage at a time. You can move a mark from one ArtPage to another by first removing it from the current ArtPage, then associating it with the new one using ArtPage.addMark.

You can disconnect this mark from its ArtPage by calling either the removeFromPage or ArtPage.removeMark function.

Mark types: This property is valid for all mark types.
Valid values: any ArtPage or undefined
Default value: undefined

ImageGear for .NET name: N/A
NotateXpress (version 10) name: N/A

See Also


Mark class
Mark Members