ImageGear .NET - Updated February 21, 2018
Usage of the Canvas Element
User Guide > How to Work with... > Common Operations > Viewing > Viewing with WPF > Display Images in WPF Environment > Usage of the Canvas Element

The ImGearPresentationPageDisplay.DrawToCanvas Methods accept a Canvas as a parameter. The methods add an image element to that Canvas, and render the ImGearPage Class into this image element.

ImageGear assumes that no other Image elements are attached to the canvas. If an image element already exists in the canvas, ImageGear assumes that this element was created in the previous DrawToCanvas Method operation, and draws the image in it. If you need to use ImageGear in a complex scene or document, containing other UI Elements, create a parent canvas, add non-ImageGear elements to it, and a canvas where you will draw ImageGear image.

If ImGearPresentationPageDisplay Class contains annotations attached to it, ImageGear creates a canvas for annotation objects, and adds it to the user provided canvas.