ImageGear .NET - Updated October 26, 2017
GetDefaultColorSpace Method

ImageGear23.Formats.Pdf Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.PDF Namespace > ImGearPDEContent Class : GetDefaultColorSpace Method
An atom for the name of the desired color space. Must be an atom for one of DefaultRGB, DefaultCMYK, or DefaultGray.
Gets a default color space from the current content.
Public Function GetDefaultColorSpace( _
   ByVal colorSpaceName As ImGearPDFAtom _
) As ImGearPDEColorSpace
Dim instance As ImGearPDEContent
Dim colorSpaceName As ImGearPDFAtom
Dim value As ImGearPDEColorSpace
value = instance.GetDefaultColorSpace(colorSpaceName)


An atom for the name of the desired color space. Must be an atom for one of DefaultRGB, DefaultCMYK, or DefaultGray.

Return Value

ImGearPDEColorSpace class object. Returns Null, if ColorSpaceName does not correspond to a known default, such as DefaultRGB.

See Section 4.5.4 in the PDF Reference for more information about default color spaces.

See Also


ImGearPDEContent Class
ImGearPDEContent Members
ImGearPDEColorSpace Class
ImGearPDFAtom Class