ImageGear .NET - Updated October 26, 2017
pageOpening Event

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace > ThumbnailView class : pageOpening Event
Indicates the viewer is opening a new image.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function add_pageOpening(handler : Function)
function remove_pageOpening(handler : Function)
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 

The viewer will raise this event whenever it begins to open a new image (usually as the result of a call to the openPage function).

Note that between this event and the following pageOpened event, the viewer is in a transitional state between the current image and the new image. While in that state, the viewer will continue to display and allow the user to interact with the current image. In addition, nearly all properties of this control (such as documentIdentifier and pageNumber) will continue to reflect the attributes of the current image. Unlike the other properties, currentState will update during the call to openPage instead of waiting for the pageOpened event. As soon as the server responds with information about the new image, the viewer will discard the current image and begin viewing the new image.

If you call openPage a second time before the first pageOpened event is raised, the viewer will ignore the first call and stay in the transitional state until the second image has completed opening.

When the viewer raises this event, it will provide an instance of an ThumbnailViewState object as the event argument.

See Also


ThumbnailView class
ThumbnailView Members