Starts a scan job.
The JavaScript code below demonstrates how to scan a G4 compressed TIFF and retrieve the base 64 data string for each scanned page and the base 64 data string for the scanned document:
function pageRetrievedCallback(result, status) {
if (status.get_status() !== ImageGear.Web.Isis.ImGearIsisStatus.Completed) {
// Get the base 64 data string for the page. The ASP .NET ISIS sample demonstrates how to upload this string and display the image in a PageView control.
var base64page = result.get_base64Page();
// Get the image info for the page. This object contains properties for getting the color format, compression, file type, width, height, and resolution.
var imageInfo = result.get_imageInfo();
// You can also get the image metadata and the scanned page number.
function documentRetrievedCallback(result, status) {
if (status.get_status() !== ImageGear.Web.Isis.ImGearIsisStatus.Completed) {
// Get the base 64 data string for the scanned document.
var base64document = result.get_base64Document();
// Passing 0 for the number of pages scans all pages in the feeder. You can specify a number greater than 0 to scan that number of pages.
var scanJob = scannerSession.scan({pages: 0, scanDataType: ImageGear.Web.Isis.ImGearIsisScanDataType.Base64Page | ImageGear.Web.Isis.ImGearIsisScanDataType.Base64Document, fileType: ImageGear.Web.Isis.ImGearIsisFileType.Tif, compression: ImageGear.Web.Isis.ImGearIsisImageCompression.G4, pageRetrievedCallback: pageRetrievedCallback, documentRetrievedCallback: documentRetrievedCallback});