| Name | Description |
 | ActionAdvised |
Gets or sets Action Advised IPTC dataset.
 | ARMIdentifier |
Gets or sets ARM Identifier IPTC dataset.
 | ARMVersion |
Gets or sets ARM Version IPTC dataset.
 | AudioDuration |
Gets or sets Audio Duration IPTC dataset.
 | AudioOutcue |
Gets or sets Audio Outcue IPTC dataset.
 | AudioSamplingRate |
Gets or sets Audio Sampling Rate IPTC dataset.
 | AudioSamplingResolution |
Gets or sets Audio Sampling Resolution IPTC dataset.
 | AudioType |
Gets or sets Audio Type IPTC dataset.
 | BitsPerComponent |
Gets or sets Bits Per Component IPTC dataset.
 | ByLine |
Gets or sets By Line IPTC dataset.
 | ByLineTitle |
Gets or sets By Line Title IPTC dataset.
 | Caption_Abstract |
Gets or sets Caption/Abstract IPTC dataset.
 | Category |
Gets or sets Category IPTC dataset.
 | City |
Gets or sets City IPTC dataset.
 | CodedCharacterSet |
Gets or sets Coded Character Set IPTC dataset.
 | ColourCalibrationMatrixTable |
Gets or sets Colour Calibration Matrix Table IPTC dataset.
 | ColourPalette |
Gets or sets Colour Palette IPTC dataset.
 | ColourRepresentation |
Gets or sets Colour Representation IPTC dataset.
 | ColourSequence |
Gets or sets Colour Sequence IPTC dataset.
 | ConfirmedObjectDataSize |
Gets or sets Confirmed Object Data Size IPTC dataset.
 | Contact |
Gets or sets Contact IPTC dataset.
 | ContentLocationCode |
Gets or sets Content Location Code IPTC dataset.
 | ContentLocationName |
Gets or sets Content Location Name IPTC dataset.
 | CopyrightNotice |
Gets or sets Copyright Notice IPTC dataset.
 | CountryPrimaryLocationCode |
Gets or sets Country Primary Location Code IPTC dataset.
 | CountryPrimaryLocationName |
Gets or sets Country Primary Location Name IPTC dataset.
 | Credit |
Gets or sets Credit IPTC dataset.
 | DataCompressionMethod |
Gets or sets Data Compression method IPTC dataset.
 | DateCreated |
Gets or sets Date Created IPTC dataset.
 | DateSent |
Gets or sets Date Sent IPTC dataset.
 | Destination |
Gets or sets Destination IPTC dataset.
 | DigitalCreationDate |
Gets or sets Digital Creation Date IPTC dataset.
 | DigitalCreationTime |
Gets or sets Digital Creation Time IPTC dataset.
 | EditorialUpdate |
Gets or sets Editorial Update IPTC dataset.
 | EditStatus |
Gets or sets Edit Status IPTC dataset.
 | EndPoints |
Gets or sets End Points IPTC dataset.
 | EnvelopeNumber |
Gets or sets Envelope Number IPTC dataset.
 | EnvelopePriority |
Gets or sets Envelope Priority IPTC dataset.
 | ExcursionTolerance |
Gets or sets Excursion Tolerance IPTC dataset.
 | ExpirationDate |
Gets or sets Expiration Date IPTC dataset.
 | ExpirationTime |
Gets or sets Expiration Time IPTC dataset.
 | FileFormat |
Gets or sets File Format IPTC dataset.
 | FileFormatVersion |
Gets or sets File Format Version IPTC dataset.
 | FixtureIdentifier |
Gets or sets Fixture Identifier IPTC dataset.
 | GammaCompensatedValue |
Gets or sets Gamma Compensated Value IPTC dataset.
 | Headline |
Gets or sets Headline IPTC dataset.
 | ICCInputColourProfile |
Gets or sets ICC Input Colour Profile IPTC dataset.
 | ImageOrientation |
Gets or sets Image Orientation IPTC dataset.
 | ImageRotation |
Gets or sets Image Rotation IPTC dataset.
 | ImageType |
Gets or sets Image Type IPTC dataset.
 | InterchangeColourSpace |
Gets or sets Interchange Colour Space IPTC dataset.
 | Keywords |
Gets or sets Keywords IPTC dataset.
 | LanguageIdentifier |
Gets or sets Language Identifier IPTC dataset.
 | LookupTable |
Gets or sets Lookup Table IPTC dataset.
 | MaximumDensityRange |
Gets or sets Maximum Density Range IPTC dataset.
 | MaximumObjectDataSize |
Gets or sets Maximum Object Data Size IPTC dataset.
 | MaxSubfileSize |
Gets or sets Max Subfile Size IPTC dataset.
 | ModelVersion |
Gets or sets Model Version IPTC dataset.
 | NumberOfBitsPerSample |
Gets or sets Number Of Bits Per Sample IPTC dataset.
 | NumberOfIndexEntries |
Gets or sets Number Of Index Entries IPTC dataset.
 | NumberOfLines |
Gets or sets Number Of Line IPTC dataset.
 | ObjectAttributeReference |
Gets or sets Object Attribute Reference IPTC dataset.
 | ObjectCycle |
Gets or sets Object Cycle IPTC dataset.
 | ObjectDataPreviewData |
Gets or sets Object Data Preview Data IPTC dataset.
 | ObjectDataPreviewFileFormat |
Gets or sets ObjectData Preview File Format DataSet (2:200).
 | ObjectDataPreviewFileFormatVersion |
Gets or sets Object Data Preview File Format Version IPTC dataset.
 | ObjectDataSizeAnnounced |
Gets or sets Object Data Size Announced IPTC dataset.
 | ObjectName |
Gets or sets Object Name IPTC dataset.
 | ObjectTypeReference |
Gets or sets Object Type Reference IPTC dataset.
 | OriginalTransmissionReference |
Gets or sets Original Transmission Reference IPTC dataset.
 | OriginatingProgram |
Gets or sets Originating Program IPTC dataset.
 | PictureNumber |
Gets or sets Picture Number IPTC dataset.
 | PixelSizeInScanningDirection |
Gets or sets Pixel Size In Scanning Direction IPTC dataset.
 | PixelSizePerpendicularToScanningDirection |
Gets or sets Pixel Size Perpendicular To Scanning Direction IPTC dataset.
 | PixelsPerLine |
Gets or sets Pixels Per Line IPTC dataset.
 | ProductID |
Gets or sets ProductID IPTC dataset.
 | ProgramVersion |
Gets or sets Program Version IPTC dataset.
 | ProvinceState |
Gets or sets Province State IPTC dataset.
 | QuantisationMethod |
Gets or sets Quantisation method IPTC dataset.
 | RasterizedCaption |
Gets or sets Rasterized Caption IPTC dataset.
 | Record2Version |
Gets or sets Record2 Version IPTC dataset.
 | Record3Version |
Gets or sets Record3 Version IPTC dataset.
 | ReferenceDate |
Gets or sets Reference Date IPTC dataset.
 | ReferenceNumber |
Gets or sets Reference Number IPTC dataset.
 | ReferenceService |
Gets or sets Reference Service IPTC dataset.
 | ReleaseDate |
Gets or sets Release Date IPTC dataset.
 | ReleaseTime |
Gets or sets Release Time IPTC dataset.
 | SamplingStructure |
Gets or sets Sampling structure IPTC dataset.
 | ScanningDirection |
Gets or sets Scanning Direction IPTC dataset.
 | ServiceIdentifier |
Gets or sets Service Identifier IPTC dataset.
 | SizeMode |
Gets or sets Size Mode IPTC dataset.
 | Source |
Gets or sets Source IPTC dataset.
 | SpecialInstructions |
Gets or sets Special Instructions IPTC dataset.
 | SubjectReference |
Gets or sets Subject Reference IPTC dataset.
 | Sublocation |
Gets or sets Sublocation IPTC dataset.
 | SupplementalCategory |
Gets or sets Supplemental Category IPTC dataset.
 | SupplementType |
Gets or sets Supplement Type IPTC dataset.
 | TimeCreated |
Gets or sets Time Created IPTC dataset.
 | TimeSent |
Gets or sets Time Sent IPTC dataset.
 | UNO |
Gets or sets UNO IPTC dataset.
 | Urgency |
Gets or sets Urgency IPTC dataset.
 | Writer_Editor |
Gets or sets Writer/Editor IPTC dataset.