ImageGear .NET
Loading All Pages of Multi-Page Files

The ImGearThumbnailPage class can be used to specify specific pages of a multi-page file. To convert all pages of a multi-page file to ImGearThumbnailPages, you can use the ImGearThumbnailMultiPageAdapter class. This class can convert a collection of filename strings, Streams, or ImGearDocuments to a collection of ImGearThumbnailPages. The code below demonstrates how to use the ImGearThumbnailMultiPageAdapter to convert a collection of filename strings to a collection of ImGearThumbnailPages:

XAML Example
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        <!--A list of filename strings can be specified as follows.-->
        <custom:FileNames x:Key="fileNames">
        <!--The multipage adapter can be used to convert source multipage documents to separate ImGearThumbnailPages.-->
        <igwc:ImGearThumbnailMultiPageAdapter x:Key="adapter" ItemsSource="{StaticResource fileNames}"/>
    <!--Use the multipage adapter specified in the resources above to load all pages of multipage files.-->
    <igwc:ImGearThumbnailList ItemsSource="{StaticResource adapter}" Name="thumbnailList" />


C# Example
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// The FileNames class derives from a List of strings and is specified in the code-behind as shown below.
public class FileNames : List<string> { }



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