ImageGear .NET
Headers and Footers

Headers and footers refer to text, graphics, or data fields (such as page number, date, sheet tab name, and so on) that can appear at the top or bottom of each page in a SpreadsheetML document. A header appears in the top margin (above the main document content on the page), while a footer appears in the bottom margin of a document page (below the main document content on the page).

Since SpreadsheetML is a flow-based format, headers and footers are applied by specifying the headers and footers for all pages in a particular section of a document. Within each section of a document, there can be up to three different types of headers and footers, and within each header/footer type there are three locations: "left", "center", and "right".

Supported Header/Footer Attributes

The following header/footer attributes are supported by ImageGear:




Different First

This attribute specifies the header and footer are different for the first page.

Fully supported.

Different Odd Even

This attribute specifies the header and footer are different on odd-numbered pages and even-numbered pages.

Fully supported.

Align With Margins

This attribute specifies the header and footer should align with the left and right margins of the chart.

Fully supported.

Scale With Document

This attribute specifies the header and footer should be scaled with document.

Fully supported.

Supported Header/Footer Data Fields

The following data fields are supported in header/footer by ImageGear:




Current Page

This header/footer data field specifies the current page number.

ImageGear supports the numbers in decimal format.

Total Pages

This header/footer data field describes the number of pages of the document.

ImageGear supports the numbers in decimal format.


This header/footer data field describes the date.

ImageGear supports the data in Short Date Pattern.


This header/footer data field describes the time.

ImageGear supports the time in Short Time Pattern.

Workbook’s File Path

This header/footer data field describes the workbook’s file path.

ImageGear supports the file path in system-specific format.

Workbook’s File Name

This header/footer data field describes the workbook’s file name.

ImageGear supports the file name without file extension.

Sheet Tab Name

This header/footer data field describes current sheet tab name.

ImageGear supports the sheet tab name, which should be unique.


This header/footer data field describes a background picture.

ImageGear supports the picture with following parameters (Format Picture dialog in MS Excel):

  • Picture size parameters
  • Picture cropping parameters

All remaining parameters of the Format Picture dialog are not supported yet.

Supported Header/Footer Style Attributes

The following style attributes are supported in header/footer by ImageGear:





This style attribute defines the properties for one of the fonts used in header/footer.

The following font attributes are supported:

  • Font Family (Supported True Type fonts only)
  • Font Name
  • Font Size
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Strike Through
  • Superscript
  • Subscript

Font Color

This style attribute describes the font color of the header/footer.

ImageGear supports the font color in RGB and Theme Color formats:

  • RGB Color is specified as RRGGBB
  • Theme Color is specified as TTSNN, where TT is the theme color Id, S is either "+" or "-" of the tint/shade value, and NN is the tint/shade value.



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