ImageGear .NET

The following styling attributes are supported by ImageGear:




Text Alignment

This element describes the text alignment in shapes. There are a variety of choices for how text is aligned both horizontal and vertically, as well as indentation settings, rotation, and so on.

ImageGear supports the only the following alignment attributes:

  • Horizontal Alignment
    • General
    • Center
    • Justify
    • Left
    • Right
  • Vertical Alignment
    • Top
    • Center
    • Bottom
  • Indent
  • Left, Top, Right, Bottom insets 

Other alignment properties not mentioned here are not supported and will be ignored. 

Shape Line Styles

This element specifies an outline style that can be applied to shapes. The line allows for the specifying of many different types of outlines including even line dashes and bevels.

ImageGear supports only Solid Fill based outlines. Additionally the following preset dash styles are supported:

  • Dash
  • DashDot
  • Dot
  • LargeDash
  • LargeDashDot
  • LargeDashDotDot
  • SystemDash
  • SystemDashDot
  • SystemDashDotDot
  • SystemDot 

Other dash styles are not supported and will be rendered as the regular solid outline. 

Foreground Color

This element describes the foreground color of the text.

ImageGear supports the following Solid Fill foreground color sources and effects:

  • RGB
  • HSL
  • Theme Color
  • Tint
  • Shade


This element defines the shape fill styles.

ImageGear only supports the Solid, Gradient* and Picture pattern fill types. Other fill types, like Pattern Fill, are ignored. 

* The Path(Shape) and Rectangle gradient types are not supported. For these types, the first stop color will be used as the solid fill color.


This element defines the properties for one of the fonts used in a text paragraph.

The following font attributes are supported:

  • Font Name
  • Font Size
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Strike Through
  • Underline
  • Subscript
  • Superscript

ImageGear uses Microsoft WPF for rendering fonts. For some particular font families, WPF may fail to load the correct typeface, although the specified font is present on the system - this is a known issue that has not yet been addressed. Due to this, the content displayed by ImageGear (font family/style, text layout, line spacing, etc.) may differ from the content displayed by Microsoft Office.



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