ImageGear .NET

Slides are the fundamental parts within a presentation. The best way to think of a slide is a container for all data that is to be on that slide. The specific shapes, images, and relations within a slide will not come into play here.




Slide Background

The background appearance information for a slide. The slide background covers the entire slide and is visible where no objects exist and as the background for transparent objects.

ImageGear supports the Solid, Gradient* and Picture fill patterns. Other fill types, like Pattern Fill, are ignored. 

* The Path (Shape) and Rectangle gradient types are not supported. For these types, the first stop color will be used as the solid fill color.


Specifies the existence of a single shape. A shape can either be a preset or a custom geometry, defined using the DrawingML framework. In addition to geometry each shape can have both visual and non-visual properties attached. Text and corresponding styling information can also be attached to a shape.

Fully supported.


Specifies the existence of a picture object within the document.

ImageGear supports raster pictures only.

Connection Shape

Specifies a connection shape (lines and arrows).

Fully supported.

Group Shape

Specifies a group shape that represents many shapes grouped together.

ImageGear supports Shape and Picture shapes within the Group Shape.

Graphic Frame (Table, Chart)

Specifies the existence of a graphics frame (table, chart).

ImageGear supports Graphic Frames in the form of tables and charts.

ImageGear supports a limited set of charts: Line, Stacked Line, 100% Stacked Line, Line With Markers, Stacked Line With Markers, 100% Stacked Line With Markers, Scatter with Straight Lines, Scatter with Only Markers, Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers, Clustered Column, Stacked Column, 100% Stacked Column, Clustered Bar, Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Bar.

ImageGear supports all possible combinations of above mentioned Charts.

Shape Properties

Specifies the visual shape properties that can be applied to a shape. These properties include the shape: fill, outline, geometry, effects, and 3D orientation.

ImageGear supports a limited set of geometries: Line/Straight Connector, Elbow Connector, Curved Connector, Curve, Freeform, Scribble, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Snip Single Corner Rectangle, Snip Same Side Corner Rectangle, Snip Diagonal Corner Rectangle, Folded Corner, Oval, Isosceles Triangle, Right Triangle, Parallelogram, Trapezoid, Diamond, Regular Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon, Decagon, Dodecagon, Can, Cube, Cloud, Flowchart Process, Flowchart Alternate Process, Flowchart Decision, Flowchart Data, Flowchart Predefined Process, Flowchart Internal Storage, Flowchart Document, Flowchart Multidocument, Flowchart Terminator, Flowchart Preparation, Flowchart Manual Input, Flowchart Manual Operation, Flowchart Connector, Flowchart Off-page Connector, Flowchart Card, Flowchart Punched Tape, Flowchart Magnetic Disk, Flowchart Direct Access Storage, Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Down Arrow, Up Arrow, Left-Right Arrow, Up-Down Arrow, Left-Up Arrow, Bent-Up Arrow, Curved Right Arrow, Curved Left Arrow, Curved Down Arrow, Curved Up Arrow, Pentagon, Chevron, Rectangular Callout, Rounded Rectangular Callout, Oval Callout, Cloud Callout, Line Callout 1, Line Callout 3, Line Callout 3, Line Callout 1 (Accent Bar), Line Callout 2 (Accent Bar), Line Callout 3 (Accent Bar), Line Callout 1 (No Border), Line Callout 2 (No Border), Line Callout 3 (No Border), Line Callout 1 (Border and Accent Bar), Line Callout 2 (Border and Accent Bar), Line Callout 3 (Border and Accent Bar).

Shape Text Body

Specifies the existence of text to be contained within the corresponding shape. All visible text and visible text related properties are contained within this element. There can be multiple paragraphs and within paragraphs multiple runs of text.

Fully supported.

Text Paragraphs

Specifies the presence of a paragraph of text within the containing text body. The paragraph is the highest level text separation mechanism within a text body.

Fully supported.

Text Run

Specifies the presence of a run of text within the containing text body. The run element is the lowest level text separation mechanism within a text body.

Fully supported.

Text String

Specifies the actual text for this text run. This is the text that is formatted using all specified body, paragraph and run properties.

Fully supported.

Bullets and Numbering

Specifies bullets and numbering applied to the paragraphs.

Fully supported.

Chart Rendering Properties

The DrawingML charts rendered by ImageGear and rendered by MS Office may have visual differences, because OpenXML specification does not contain rendering details for some chart elements. These differences include the relative positions of chart elements such as: title, axes, axes ticks, labels, legend, order of series in a legend, number of major and minor gridlines, and number of labels per axis. Also, combined charts axes maximum and minimum values (chart scaling) may differ from MS Office; as a result, the combined charts (relative positions of chart data series) rendered by ImageGear in the same plot area may visually differ from MS Office rendering. These differences do not have strict definition in OpenXML specification, and their rendering details are left up to the implementers.

Property dialogs of PPTX Charts have various customization settings. For those properties there are a few limitations in ImageGear that should be considered. Please note that only the supported properties/features are listed below; features not listed are not currently supported.

Chart Area Properties

Plot Area Properties

Value Axis Properties

Category Axis Properties

Chart Axis Title (Horizontal and Vertical) Properties

Legend Properties

Gridlines Properties

Data Series Properties

Line Charts

Bar/Column Charts

Data Labels Properties

Line Charts

Bar/Column Charts



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