| Name | Description |
 | AspectDenominatorX |
Gets or sets the mark's X aspect denominator value.
 | AspectDenominatorY |
Gets or sets the Mark's Y aspect denominator value.
 | AspectNumeratorX |
Gets or sets the mark's X aspect numerator value.
 | AspectNumeratorY |
Gets or sets the mark's Y aspect numerator value.
 | Bounds | Overridden.
Gets mark's bounding rectangle in abstract coordinates.
 | CapStyle |
Gets or sets the style of a line end.
 | Color |
Gets or sets the color of the mark.
 | EndLineLength |
Gets or sets the length of the mark's end line.
 | FontDisablePPM |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PPM option is disabled in font size calculations.
 | FontName |
Gets or sets the font name of the text font.
 | FontSize |
Gets or sets the font size of the text font.
 | FontStyleART |
Gets or sets the font style of the text font.
 | IsLabelVisible |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the label is displayed.
 | JoinStyle |
Gets or sets the style of two lines joins.
 | Label |
Gets or sets the mark label.
 | Length |
Gets the length of the PolyRuler mark.
 | MeasurementUnit |
Gets or sets the measurement unit of the PolyRuler.
 | NumberOfPoints |
Gets or sets the actual number of mark's points.
 | Opacity |
Gets or sets the opacity of the mark.
 | Points |
Gets the raw points array.
 | Precision |
Gets or sets the number of decimal digits displayed for the mark.
 | SelectionPoints | Overridden.
Gets the selection points.
 | SelectionType | Overridden.
Gets the selection type.
 | StartLineLength |
Gets or sets the length of the mark's start line.
 | Style |
Gets or sets the mark's line style.
 | Type | Overridden.
Gets mark's type.
 | Visible | Overridden.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the mark is visible or not.
 | Width |
Gets or sets the mark's line width.