| Name | Description |
| AddWarning |
Adds a warning to the list of warnings displayed by the warning window.
| ClearWarnings |
Clears the list of warnings displayed by the warning window.
| LoadPage |
Loads a page, using a file open dialog to prompt the user for the location of the page.
| ManageFiltersControlParams | Overloaded.
Shows dialog box with ability to modify filters behavior.
| ManageMetadata | Overloaded.
Shows dialog box with metadata tree.
| PreflightReport |
This method creates and displays a PDF preflight report dialog box.
| RegisterExceptionHandler |
Registers an exception handler for the entire application, used to display ImageGear error information.
| SavePage |
Save a page, using a file save dialog to prompt the user for the format and destination.
| SelectFileToLoad |
Shows dialog box allowing the user to select a local or remote file to load.
| SelectFileToLoadWithAdjust |
Shows dialog box allowing the user to select a local or remote file to load with adjustment dialgs for the image to be loaded.
| SelectFileToSave | Overloaded.
Shows dialog box allowing the user to select a format and destination to save to.
| SelectLocalARTFileToLoad |
Shows ART file open dialog with filtering for all known ART formats.
| SelectLocalARTFileToSave |
Shows ART file save dialog with filtering for all known ART formats.
| SelectLocalFileToLoad |
Shows dialog box allowing the user to select a local file to load.
| SelectLocalFileToLoadEx |
Shows a dialog box allowing the user to select a local file to load.
| SelectLocalFileToSave | Overloaded.
Shows a dialog box allowing the user to select a format and local file using the raster conversion
option to save a page to.
| SelectRemoteFileToLoad |
Shows dialog box allowing the user to select a remote file to load.
| SelectRemoteFileToSave |
Shows dialog box allowing the user to select a format and remote destination to save to.
| ShowAboutBox |
Shows an About box with ImageGear version information.
| ShowDocumentInfo | Shows a window with information about an ImageGear.Core.ImGearDocument class. |
| ShowExceptionInfo |
Shows a window with information about an exception.
| ShowFileInfo |
Shows a window with information about a file.
| ShowPageInfo |
Shows a window with information about a page.
| ShowWarningInfo |
Shows a window with a list of ImageGear warnings that have been added using the
AddWarning method.
| UnRegisterExceptionHandler |
Unregisters an exception handler for the entire application, used to display ImageGear error information.