ImageGear .NET
ImGearRasterProcessingVerifier Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearRasterProcessingVerifier.

Public Methods
Public MethodCanApplyAddTiltReturns true if AddTilt method can be applied to the specified page.  
Public MethodCanApplyAdjustContrastOverloaded. Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.AdjustContrast method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyBlendReturns true if Blend Method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyBlendWithAlphaReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.BlendWithAlpha method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyCalculateStatisticsReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.CalculateStatistics method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyCloseChecks if ImGearRasterProcessing.Close method can be applied to the specified raster page.  
Public MethodCanApplyConvertColorSpaceReturns true if ConvertColorSpace Method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyConvolveReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Convolve method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyCryptReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Encrypt and ImGearRasterProcessing.Decrypt methods can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyDeskewReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Deskew method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyDespeckleReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Despeckle method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyDilateChecks if ImGearRasterProcessing.Dilate method can be applied to the specified raster page.  
Public MethodCanApplyEnhanceLocalReturns true if EnhanceLocal method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyEqualizeContrastOverloaded. Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.EqualizeContrast method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyErodeChecks if ImGearRasterProcessing.Erode method can be applied to the specified raster page.  
Public MethodCanApplyFillReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Fill method can be applied to the specified page using provided fillColor, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyFilterWithMedianReturns true if FilterWithMedian method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyFilterWithUnsharpMaskReturns true if FilterWithUnsharpMask method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyFindSkewAngleReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.FindSkewAngle method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyFindTiltReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.FindTilt method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyGaussianBlurReturns true if Gaussian Method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyGeomDespeckleReturns true if GeomDespeckle method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyInvertContrastOverloaded. Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.InvertContrast method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyMergeReturns true if Merge Method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyOpenChecks if ImGearRasterProcessing.Open method can be applied to the specified raster page.  
Public MethodCanApplyReduceReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Reduce method can be applied to the specified page, using specified reduction method, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyRemoveTiltReturns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.RemoveTilt method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplySharpenReturns true if Sharpen method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplySmoothVerifies if Smooth method can be applied to the specified Page.  
Public MethodCanApplyStretchContrastOverloaded. Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.StretchContrast method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise.  
Public MethodCanApplyTabulateHistogramChecks whether ImGearRasterProcessing.TabulateHistogram method can be applied to the page.  
Public MethodCanApplyTransformWithLUTChecks whether ImGearRasterProcessing.TransformWithLUT method can be applied to the page.  
See Also


ImGearRasterProcessingVerifier Class
ImageGear.Processing Namespace
ImGearRasterProcessing Class



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