ImageGear .NET
IImGearARTText Interface Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see IImGearARTText members.

Public Properties
 PropertyActualText Gets or sets the actual text you can see on display.  
 PropertyBorder Gets or sets the mark border.  
 PropertyBorderShading Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border is shaded or not.  
 PropertyCalloutGets or sets a value of the ImGearARTCallout class object that specifies mark's callout attributes.  
 PropertyFillColor Gets or sets the fill color of the mark.  
 PropertyFontDisablePPM Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PPM option is disabled in font size calculations.  
 PropertyFontName Gets or sets the font name of the mark text.  
 PropertyFontSize Gets or sets the font size of the mark text.  
 PropertyFontStyleART Gets or sets the font style of the mark text.  
 PropertyOpacity Gets or sets the opacity of the mark.  
 PropertyPinGets or sets the ImGearARTPin object that specifies mark's pin icon attributes.  
 PropertyText Gets or sets the text of the mark.  
 PropertyTextColor Gets or sets the color of the mark text.  
 PropertyTextOpacity Gets or sets a separate opacity used for text string.  
 PropertyTextTrimming Gets or sets the text trimming behavior to employ when content overflows the content area.  
 PropertyTextType Gets or sets the text type.  
See Also


IImGearARTText Interface
ImageGear.ART Namespace



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