User Guide > How to Work with... > Recognition > Recognition > Define the Character Set > Multiple Languages, Global and Local Filters, FilterPlus Characters |
To read a page from a Luxembourgian newspaper, in which articles on a single page appear in French, German, and Luxembourgian. The page contains six zones. The text contains no miscellaneous characters (mathematical symbols, etc.). Zone 5 contains uppercase letters only, with no digits, and only three punctuation characters: the comma, the period (full-stop), and a question mark. Zone 6 presents a currency conversion table containing the digits, the comma, and the currency codes of Luxembourg and its neighbors: LUF, FRF, DEM, BEF, and EUR.
The language selection is set to French, German, and Luxembourgian. The DefaultFilter property is used to specify the global filter, to filter out only the 30 miscellaneous characters:
A local filter is defined for zone 5:
A different local filter is defined for zone 6:
DIGIT | PLUS, or simply NUMBERS.
These have the same effect.
The FilterPlus property is set to validate the FilterPlus characters needed in zone 5 and zone 6:
The comma, the period, the question mark, and the currency letters, B D E F L M R U.
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igRecognition.Recognition.LanguageEnabled.DisableAll(); igRecognition.Recognition.LanguageEnabled[ImGearRecLanguage.FRE] = true; igRecognition.Recognition.LanguageEnabled[ImGearRecLanguage.GER] = true; igRecognition.Recognition.LanguageEnabled[ImGearRecLanguage.LUX] = true; igRecognition.OutputManager.CodePage = "Windows ANSI"; // Code Page 1252 igRecognition.Recognition.DefaultFilter = ImGearRecFilter.ALPHA | ImGearRecFilter.PUNCTUATION | ImGearRecFilter.DIGIT; // . . . // 1-4 zones // . . . // 5th zone ImGearRecZone igRecZone = new ImGearRecZone(); igRecZone.Rect.Left = 10; igRecZone.Rect.Right = 330; igRecZone.Rect.Top = 420; igRecZone.Rect.Bottom = 450; igRecZone.FillingMethod = ImGearRecFillingMethod.OMNIFONT; igRecZone.RecognitionModule = ImGearRecRecognitionModule.OMNIFONT_MOR; igRecZone.Filter = ImGearRecFilter.UPPERCASE | ImGearRecFilter.PLUS; igRecZone.Type = ImGearRecZoneType.FLOW; igRecPage.Zones.Add(igRecZone); // 6th zone igRecZone.Rect.Left = 10; igRecZone.Rect.Right = 330; igRecZone.Rect.Top = 80; igRecZone.Rect.Bottom = 120; igRecZone.FillingMethod = ImGearRecFillingMethod.OMNIFONT; igRecZone.RecognitionModule = ImGearRecRecognitionModule.OMNIFONT_MOR; igRecZone.Filter = ImGearRecFilter.DIGIT | ImGearRecFilter.PLUS; igRecZone.Type = ImGearRecZoneType.FLOW; igRecPage.Zones.Add(igRecZone); // . . . igRecognition.Recognition.FilterPlus = "BDEFLMRU.,?"; |
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igRecognition.Recognition.LanguageEnabled.DisableAll() igRecognition.Recognition.LanguageEnabled(ImGearRecLanguage.FRE) = True igRecognition.Recognition.LanguageEnabled(ImGearRecLanguage.GER) = True igRecognition.Recognition.LanguageEnabled(ImGearRecLanguage.LUX) = True igRecognition.OutputManager.CodePage = "Windows ANSI" ' Code Page 1252 igRecognition.Recognition.DefaultFilter = ImGearRecFilter.ALPHA Or ImGearRecFilter.PUNCTUATION Or ImGearRecFilter.DIGIT ' . . . ' 1-4 zones ' . . . ' 5th zone Dim igRecZone As New ImGearRecZone() igRecZone.Rect.Left = 10 igRecZone.Rect.Right = 330 igRecZone.Rect.Top = 420 igRecZone.Rect.Bottom = 450 igRecZone.FillingMethod = ImGearRecFillingMethod.OMNIFONT igRecZone.RecognitionModule = ImGearRecRecognitionModule.OMNIFONT_MOR igRecZone.Filter = ImGearRecFilter.UPPERCASE Or ImGearRecFilter.PLUS igRecZone.Type = ImGearRecZoneType.FLOW igRecPage.Zones.Add(igRecZone) ' 6th zone igRecZone.Rect.Left = 10 igRecZone.Rect.Right = 330 igRecZone.Rect.Top = 80 igRecZone.Rect.Bottom = 120 igRecZone.FillingMethod = ImGearRecFillingMethod.OMNIFONT igRecZone.RecognitionModule = ImGearRecRecognitionModule.OMNIFONT_MOR igRecZone.Filter = ImGearRecFilter.DIGIT Or ImGearRecFilter.PLUS igRecZone.Type = ImGearRecZoneType.FLOW igRecPage.Zones.Add(igRecZone) ' . . . igRecognition.Recognition.FilterPlus = "BDEFLMRU.,?" |