ImageGear for .NET
ImageGear.Vector Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy

ImageGear.Vector namespace provides objects and methods for displaying, rasterizing, and manipulating vector drawings. Such drawings can be loaded from vector files such as DWF, DWG/DXF, DGN, CGM, HPGL, and U3D. 

ClassImGear3DVisualization Provides 3D visualization API.
ClassImGear3DVisualizationVerifier This object provides CanApplyGenerateIsosurface method to determine whether an ImageGear.Core.ImGearDocument class object can be used to calculate isosurface from.
ClassImGearIsosurfaceOptions Contains parameters for the isosurface algorithm.
ClassImGearVectorData Represents a collection of vector entities, layers, and views.
ClassImGearVectorEntity Represents the base class for all entities. It provides access to the common entity features.
ClassImGearVectorEntityArc Represents an elliptical arc that is defined by radii and angles.
ClassImGearVectorEntityBeziercurve Represents a Bezier curve that is defined by control points and curve degree.
ClassImGearVectorEntityBeziersurface Represents a Bezier surface.
ClassImGearVectorEntityBlock This entity includes a container with other entities.
ClassImGearVectorEntityConnection Represents a special entity that is used to connect end and start points of neighboring entities in the figure entity container.
ClassImGearVectorEntityCont This object is used by blocks and figures to keep its entities.
ClassImGearVectorEntityEasyline This entity represent a line specified by start and end point.
ClassImGearVectorEntityEasysurface Represents a surface that is drawn exactly by its control points.
ClassImGearVectorEntityEllipse Represents an ellipse.
ClassImGearVectorEntityFigure Represents an entity that contains several regions. Any region can include other entities such as lines, polylines, arcs and other entities.
ClassImGearVectorEntityGeometry Represents a set of drawing primitives such as points, independent line segments, connected line segments, independent and connected triangles, independent and connected quadrilaterals, or polygons.
ClassImGearVectorEntityInsertion Represents a transformation wrapper for the block.
ClassImGearVectorEntityNURBScurve Represents non-uniform rational bi-spline curve.
ClassImGearVectorEntityNURBSsurface Represents a non-uniform rational B-spline surface.
ClassImGearVectorEntityPolyline Represents a polyline.
ClassImGearVectorEntityPolylineEx Represents extended polyline.
ClassImGearVectorEntityRaster Represents a non-rectangular raster image.
ClassImGearVectorEntitySolid Represents a quadrangle.
ClassImGearVectorEntitySplinesurface Base class for NURBS and Bezier surfaces.
ClassImGearVectorEntityText Represents a text string.
ClassImGearVectorEntityViewport Represents a viewport.
ClassImGearVectorFilltype Represents the fill type for drawing filled objects.
ClassImGearVectorFloatCont Represents the container for floating point values.
ClassImGearVectorFont Represents the font for the text drawing.
ClassImGearVectorGradient This class is used as the base for particular gradient filling classes.
ClassImGearVectorGradientLinear Represents a linear gradient object.
ClassImGearVectorGradientRadial Represents a radial gradient object.
ClassImGearVectorHatch Represents a vector hatch.
ClassImGearVectorHatchline Represents the line segment for the vector hatch.
ClassImGearVectorLayer Contains drawing attributes that can be applied to several entities.
ClassImGearVectorLightSource Implements a light source.
ClassImGearVectorLinetype Represents the line type.
ClassImGearVectorObject Base class for all vector objects. It implements one read/only property Handle property that returns an internal handle of the object.
ClassImGearVectorRotation Provides rotation operations for the ImGearVectorEntityViewport object.
ClassImGearVectorTextObject Contains a part of a text string that uses particular set of font attributes.
ClassImGearVectorVertexCont Represents a vertex container.
ClassImGearVectorView Represents a camera and lighting model for displaying the vector content.
ClassImGearVectPage This object represents a vector page which has a background and an ImGearVectorData vector drawing.
StructureImGearVectorColor Represents a color.
StructureImGearVectorColorEx Represents an extended color.
StructureImGearVectorMinMax Represents a bounding parallelepiped of the object.
StructureImGearVectorPoint2D Represents a two-dimentional point.
StructureImGearVectorPoint3D Represents a three-dimentional point.
StructureImGearVectorPoint3DEx Represents an extended three-dimentional point.
StructureImGearVectorVertex Represents a vertex.
EnumerationImGearVectAlignment Specifies text alignment.
EnumerationImGearVectArcCloseType Specifies arc closing type.
EnumerationImGearVectAttrib Specifies different entity attributes.
EnumerationImGearVectAttrSource Specifies sources of the entity attributes.
EnumerationImGearVectCullFace Specifies face culling modes.
EnumerationImGearVectDir Specifies direction of rotate operations.
EnumerationImGearVectEntities Specifies the type of the entity.
EnumerationImGearVectFillMode Specifies the winding rule for the complete polygons.
EnumerationImGearVectFillPattern Specifies constants describing different fill patterns.
EnumerationImGearVectGeometryType Specifies the type of geometry primitives.
EnumerationImGearVectGradientSpreadMethod Specifies gradient spread methods.
EnumerationImGearVectGradientType Specifies types of gradient filling.
EnumerationImGearVectGraphics Specifies the type of the vector graphics to be used for displaying vector data.
EnumerationImGearVectMeasurementUnits Specifies measurement units used by vector drawings.
EnumerationImGearVectNURBSFlags Specifies different flags for NURBS curve and surface.
EnumerationImGearVectObjType These constants define vector object types.
EnumerationImGearVectTxtFlags Specifies different text object effects.
EnumerationImGearVectVertexData Specifies the type of additional data associated with the vertex.
See Also


ImageGear21.Formats.Vector Assembly



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