ImageGear for .NET
Copying/Cutting to the Clipboard

You may copy or cut all or part of an ImGearRasterPage instance to the clipboard:

When using an ImGearROIMask to set the non-rectangular region of interest, ImageGear .NET does not actually apply the mask before copying or cutting to the clipboard. Instead, both the mask and underlying image data are copied to the clipboard using a proprietary format. As long as this clipboard data is retrieved using the static ImGearRasterPage.GetFromClipboard method, the returned ImGearRasterPage instance will contain both the rectangular image data and a matching non-rectangular mask (as an ImGearRasterPage.ROI property). However, if the data from the Windows clipboard is pasted into a third-party application, the mask will not be honored. Instead, the entire rectangular region beneath the bounding box, defined by the mask, will be pasted.



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