ImageGear for .NET
Adding Office Support

Once the base of the tutorial application is completed, you can extend it with Office support using the following steps:

  1. First, you need to add a reference to the ImageGear for .NET Office Assembly.
    1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on References, and choose Add Reference.
    2. Choose the Browse tab and navigate to "ImageGear for .NET v21\Bin" directory.
    3. Select ImageGear21.Formats.Office.dll, and click OK.

    You should now have the ImageGear21.Formats.Office assembly listed under References in the Solution Explorer.

  2. Next, add the Office using statement. Open the code for MainWindow.xaml.cs. At the top of the code add the following statement:
    C# Example
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    using ImageGear.Formats.Office;
  3. Add the following statements in MainWindow constructor:
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    // Add support for Word files
  4. Add the following fields to MainWindow class:
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    private ImGearDocument igDocument;
    private int currPageNumber = -1;
  5. Add the following method to MainWindow class:
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    private void UpdateView()
    imGearPageView1.Page = igPage;
  6. In OpenExecuted find the following code:
    C# Example
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    igPage = ImGearFileFormats.LoadPage(fileContent, 0);

    and replace it with:

    C# Example
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    igDocument = ImGearFileFormats.LoadDocument(fileContent, 0, -1);
    igPageDisplay = new ImGearPresentationPageDisplay();
    imGearPageView1.Display = igPageDisplay;
    currPageNumber = 0;
    igPage = igDocument.Pages[currPageNumber];

    Also replace the following code:

    C# Example
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    if (null != igPage && null != igPage.DIB &&
    // Create a new page display
    igPageDisplay = new ImGearPresentationPageDisplay(igPage);
    // Associate the page display with the page view
    imGearPageView1.Display = igPageDisplay;
    // Cause the page view to update


    C# Example
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    if (igPage != null)
  7. To enable navigation between Office document pages do the following:
    1. Declare the public static RoutedCommands required for the navigation in the .xaml.cs file. Open MainWindow.xaml.cs and add the following within the body of MainWindow class:
      C# Example
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      public static RoutedCommand FirstPageCmd = new RoutedCommand();
      public static RoutedCommand PreviousPageCmd = new RoutedCommand();
      public static RoutedCommand NextPageCmd = new RoutedCommand();
      public static RoutedCommand LastPageCmd = new RoutedCommand();
    2. Also add the following method to the MainWindow class:
      C# Example
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      private void CanExecuteDocAvailable(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
      e.CanExecute = (null != igPage && null != igDocument && null != igPageDisplay);
    3. Now add the Command Bindings for the RoutedCommands created above. Each will have its own handler for 'Executed', but they will share a single handler for 'CanExecute'. Right-click over each entry and click 'Navigate to Even Handler' to add the C# handler to the MainWindow class in the .xaml.cs. You should have something like this:
      XAML Example
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      Command="{x:Static custom:MainWindow.FirstPageCmd}"
      Command="{x:Static custom:MainWindow.PreviousPageCmd}"
      Command="{x:Static custom:MainWindow.NextPageCmd}"
      Command="{x:Static custom:MainWindow.LastPageCmd}"
    4. Now set up the menu items. Under the View menu, add ‘First Page’, ‘Previous Page’, ‘Next Page’, ‘Last Page’ menu items.
      XAML Example
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      <MenuItem Name="mnuViewFirstPage" Header="First Page" Command="{x:Static custom:MainWindow.FirstPageCmd}" />
      <MenuItem Name="mnuViewPreviousPage" Header="Previous Page" Command="{x:Static custom:MainWindow.PreviousPageCmd}" />
      <MenuItem Name="mnuViewNextPage" Header="Next Page" Command="{x:Static custom:MainWindow.NextPageCmd}" />
      <MenuItem Name="mnuViewLastPage" Header="Last Page" Command="{x:Static custom:MainWindow.LastPageCmd}" />
    5. Add code for the page navigation executed handlers as below:
      C# Example
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      private void FirstPageExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
      igPage = igDocument.Pages[currPageNumber = 0];
      private void PreviousPageExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
      if (currPageNumber - 1 >= 0)
      igPage = igDocument.Pages[--currPageNumber];
      private void NextPageExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
      if (currPageNumber + 1 < igDocument.Pages.Count)
      igPage = igDocument.Pages[++currPageNumber];
      private void LastPageExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
      currPageNumber = igDocument.Pages.Count - 1;
      igPage = igDocument.Pages[currPageNumber];

Now you are ready to compile and run the finished application working with Office documents.



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