ImageGear for .NET
How to Access Results

Get Barcode Results

Result Class

The Analyze method returns an array of Result objects. Each element of the Result collection contains the results of a single recognized barcode (or unsolved barcode. See ReturnPossibleBarcodes).

C# Example - to get the recognition results 
Copy Code
// call Analyze to detect barcodes in the image
// all detected barcodes will be returned to the
// Result collection class.
      List<ImGearResult> results = new List<ImGearResult>();
// get some results info, if any
      foreach (ImGearResult found in results)


Property Description
Area This property gets the bounding rectangular area of the recognized barcode.
BarcodeDataAsByte This property gets the recognized barcode data value in bytes.
BarcodeName This property gets the name of the recognized barcode.
BarcodeType This property gets the type of the recognized barcode.
BarcodeValue This property gets the value of the recognized barcode.
Confidence This property gets the confidence of the recognized barcode.
Length This property gets the length of the result string.
NumberCheckSumChars This property gets the number of characters in the recognized checksum.
Point1 This property gets the top left coordinate of the recognized barcode.
Point2 This property gets the top right coordinate of the recognized barcode.
Point3 This property gets the bottom left coordinate of the recognized barcode.
Point4 This property gets the bottom right coordinate of the recognized barcode.
Skew This property gets the angle of skew for the recognized barcode analyzed.
IsCheckSumValid This property gets a valid checksum for a recognized barcode.


Order of Results

Since the barcode engine can return multiple barcode results from a single scan, the detected barcode results (both solved and unsolved) will be sorted using the following criteria. Note that all solved barcodes will be ordered before unsolved barcodes.

  1. First, the confidence factor is used to sort the barcode results from highest confidence to lowest. The Confidence property gets the confidence of the barcode that was recognized.
  2. Next, for any barcodes with the same confidence, they will then be sorted by their location, from top to bottom, and then left to right.



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