ImageGear for .NET
ImageGear.Formats Namespace (ImageGear21.Core)
Inheritance Hierarchy

ImageGear.Formats namespace provides the ImageGear for .NET API for working with formats filters, thumbnails and formats metadata.

ClassImGearCommonMetadata Provides access to metadata that is common for all format filters.
ClassImGearControlParameter Provides access to the attributes of a control parameter.
ClassImGearFileFilters Provides access to formats settings.
ClassImGearFileFormats Main class for working with file formats.
ClassImGearFormatMetadata This is the base class for the Simplified Metadata API accessor classes.

For more information about Simplified Metadata API usage, see Simplified Access to Non-Image Data.

ClassImGearFormatParameters Allows you to manage format's control parameters.
ClassImGearLoadOptions Specifies additional loading options, such as thumbnail loading or loading an image specifying its format explicitly.
ClassImGearNativeDataTypeHelper Helps to work with ImageGear native data types associated with file formats metadata.
ClassImGearRasterSaveOptions Provides rasterization options for saving.
ClassImGearSaveOptions Specifies additional saving options.
ClassImGearSaveThumbnailOptions Specifies thumbnail attributes such as width and height to be used when saving a thumbnail.
ClassImGearWebStream Provides a specialized stream for loading of images from internet.
InterfaceIImGearFormat Base interface for all file format filters.
EnumerationImGearBMPTagIDs Lists all BMP tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearBTRTagIDs Lists all BTR tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearCALTagIDs Lists all CAL tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearCIFFAFInfoTagIDs Lists all CIFF AF Info tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearCIFFCanonCameraSettingsTagIDs Lists all CIFF Canon Camera Settings tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearCIFFFocalLengthTagIDs Lists all CIFF Focal Length tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearCIFFImageInfoTagIDs Lists all CIFF Image Info tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearCIFFShotInfoTagIDs Lists all CIFF Shot Info tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearCIFFTagIDs Lists all CIFF tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearCLPTagIDs Lists all CLP tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearCompressions Lists all ImageGear supported compressions.
EnumerationImGearCUTTagIDs Lists all CUT tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearDCRAWTagIDs Lists all Digital Camera RAW tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearDCXTagIDs Lists all DCX tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearDisplayInfoTagIDs Lists all Photoshop Display Info tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFFPXRTagIDs Lists all EXIF FPXR tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFGPSTagIDs Lists all EXIF GPS tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFInterOpTagIDs Lists all EXIF Interoperability tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFMakerNoteFujiTagIDs Lists all Fujifilm EXIF MakerNote tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFMakerNoteNikonType1TagIDs Lists all Nikon EXIF MakerNote Type 1 tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFMakerNoteNikonType2TagIDs Lists all Nikon EXIF MakerNote Type 2 tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFMakerNoteOlympusTagIDs Lists all Olympus EXIF MakerNote tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFMakerNotePentaxTagIDs Lists all Pentax EXIF MakerNote tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFMakerNoteTagIDs Lists all general EXIF MakerNote tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearEXIFMakerNoteType Lists all EXIF MakerNote types.
EnumerationImGearEXIFTagIDs Lists all EXIF tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearFillOrder Specifies fill order that is used for saving some file formats (e.g., TIFF, etc.).
EnumerationImGearFormats Lists all ImageGear supported file formats.
EnumerationImGearGEMTagIDs Lists all GEM tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearGIFTagIDs Lists all GIF tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearHDPhotoTagIDs Lists all HD Photo tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearICATagIDs Lists all ICA tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearICOTagIDs Lists all ICO tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearIFFTagIDs Lists all IFF tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearIMGTagIDs Lists all IMG tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearIMTTagIDs Lists all IMT tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearIPTCAppObjAttrTags Lists IPTC Application Object Attributes.
EnumerationImGearIPTCAppObjTypeTags Lists IPTC Application Object Types.
EnumerationImGearIPTCRecord1EnvDatasetTags Lists all IPTC Record 1 (Envelope) DataSet tags.
EnumerationImGearIPTCRecord2AppDatasetTags Lists all IPTC Record 2 (Application) DataSet tags.
EnumerationImGearIPTCRecord3PhotoDatasetTags Lists all IPTC Record 3 (Digital Newsphoto Parameter) DataSet tags.
EnumerationImGearIPTCRecord7PreObjDatasetTags Lists all IPTC Record 7 (Pre-Object) DataSet tags.
EnumerationImGearIPTCRecord8ObjDatasetTags Lists all IPTC Record 8 (Object) DataSet tags.
EnumerationImGearIPTCRecord9PostObjDatasetTags Lists all IPTC Record 9 (Post-Object) DataSet tags.
EnumerationImGearIPTCRecordTags Lists all IPTC Record tags.
EnumerationImGearIPTCTags Lists all general IPTC tags.
EnumerationImGearJP2CodestreamTagIDs Lists all JP2Codestream tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearJP2FileFormatTagIDs Lists all JP2FileFormat tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearJP2TagIDs Lists all JP2 tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearJPEGTagIDs Lists all JPEG tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearJPXTagIDs Lists all JPX tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearKFXTagIDs Lists all KFX tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearLVTagIDs Lists all LV tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearMakerNoteOlympusApplicationModeIFD2TagIDs Lists all Olympus application mode IFD 2 MakerNote types.
EnumerationImGearMakerNoteOlympusApplicationModeIFDTagIDs Lists all Olympus application mode IFD MakerNote types.
EnumerationImGearMakerNoteOlympusCameraModeIFDTagIDs Lists all Olympus camera mode IFD MakerNote types.
EnumerationImGearMakerNoteOlympusCSerieSettingsTagIDs Lists all Olympus C-models serie settings IFD MakerNote types.
EnumerationImGearMakerNoteOlympusDebugIFDTagIDs Lists all Olympus debug IFD MakerNote types.
EnumerationImGearMakerNoteOlympusHardwareIFDTagIDs Lists all Olympus hardware IFD MakerNote types.
EnumerationImGearMakerNoteOlympusImageProcessorTagIDs Lists all Olympus image processor IFD MakerNote types.
EnumerationImGearMetadataFormats Lists all ImageGear supported metadata formats.
EnumerationImGearMJ2TagIDs Reserved for future use.
EnumerationImGearMSPTagIDs Lists all MSP tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearNativeDataTypes Specifies the data types that file formats use to store metadata values.
EnumerationImGearNCRTagIDs Lists all NCR tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPBMTagIDs Lists all PBM tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPCDTagIDs Lists all PCD tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPCXTagIDs Lists all PCX tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPDFTagIDs Lists all PDF tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPhotoshopAdditionalLayerInfoTagIDs Lists all Photoshop Additional Layer Info tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPhotoshopLayerInfoTagIDs Lists all Photoshop Layer Info tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPhotoshopLayerMaskInfoTagIDs Lists all Photoshop Layer Mask Info tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPhotoshopResourceGenericTagIDs Lists all Photoshop Resource Generic tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPHOTOSHOPTagIDs Lists all Photoshop tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPhotoshopVersionInfoTagIDs Lists all Photoshop Version Info tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPNGTagIDs Lists all PNG tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPSDTagIDs Lists all PSD tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPSTagIDs Lists all PostScript tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearPTOCATagIDs Lists all PTOCA tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearRASTagIDs Lists all RAS tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearRasterConversionModes Lists all raster conversion modes for image saving.
EnumerationImGearRectangleInfoTagIDs Lists all Photoshop Rectangle Info tag ids.
EnumerationImGearResolutionInfoTagIDs Lists all Photoshop Resolution Info tag ids.
EnumerationImGearSavingFormats Lists all ImageGear saving formats.
EnumerationImGearSavingModes Lists all saving modes.
EnumerationImGearSCITagIDs Lists all SCI tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearSGITagIDs Lists all SGI tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearTGATagIDs Lists all TGA tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearThumbnailInfoTagIDs Lists all Photoshop Thumbnail Info tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearTIFTagIDs Lists all TIF tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearWBMPTagIDs Lists all WBMP tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearWPGTagIDs Lists all WPG tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearXBMTagIDs Lists all XBM tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearXMPTagIDs Lists all XMP tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearXPMTagIDs Lists all XPM tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearXPSTagIDs Lists all XPS tag identifiers.
EnumerationImGearXWDTagIDs Lists all XWD tag identifiers.
See Also


ImageGear21.Core Assembly



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