ImageGear for .NET
Full Name Computer Graphics Metafile
Format ID ImGearFormats.CGM
File Extension(s) *.cgm
Data Type Metafile Vector Image
Data Encoding Character-based, Binary, Clear-text encoded
IG Multipage Support Yes
IG Alpha Channel Support No
IG Metadata Update Support No
IG Platforms Support Win32, Win64, .NET, .NET64
CGM format requires ImageGear.Formats.CGM Namespace.

ImageGear Supported Versions

ImageGear Supported Features

ImageGear Read Support

ImageGear Write Support

Please see ImageGear Supported Vector Format Features > CGM for more information.

ImageGear Filter Control Parameters

Filter Control Parameter Type Default Value Available Values Description
Width Long 512 Any positive value Defines the DIB width of the loaded image. The DIB height is calculated using the file's scale factors.


This is standardized, platform-independent format used for the interchange of bitmap and vector data.

CGM is a very feature-rich format which attempts to support the graphic needs of many general fields (graphic arts, technical illustration, cartography, visualization, electronic publishing, and so on). While the CGM format is rich in features (many graphical primitives and attributes), it is less complex than PostScript, produces much smaller (more compact) files, and allows the interchange of very sophisticated and artistic images.

Computer Graphics Metafile was developed by experts working on committees under the auspices of the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the American Standards National Institute (ANSI). It was specifically designed as a common format for the platform-independent interchange of bitmap and vector data, and for use in conjunction with a variety of input and output devices. Although CGM incorporates extensions designed to support bitmap (called raster in the CGM specification) data storage, files in CGM format are used primarily to store vector information. CGM files typically contain either bitmap or vector data, but rarely both.




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