ImageGear for .NET
ImGearDIB Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearDIB.

Protected Fields
Protected Fieldm_BitDepth Total quantity of bits used to represent a single pixel.  
Protected Fieldm_BitsPerChannel Allocated (actual) size of store for each channel in bits.  
Protected Fieldm_ChannelDepths Depth of image channels.  
Protected Fieldm_ColorSpace Color space attribute.  
Protected Fieldm_ExtraChannelInfo Information on image Extra channels.  
Protected Fieldm_Height Image heigth in pixels.  
Protected Fieldm_ImageResolution Image resolution information.  
Protected Fieldm_Palette Image palette, for images that have Indexed colorspace.  
Protected Fieldm_Signed Specifies whether the image is signed.  
Protected Fieldm_Width Image width in pixels.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBitDepth Gets total quantity of bits used to store a single pixel.  
Public PropertyBitsPerChannel Gets allocated (actual) size of store for each channel in bits.  
Public PropertyChannelCount Gets total quantity of channels in image.  
Public PropertyChannelDepths Gets the bit depth of each color channel in the image.  
Public PropertyColorSpace Gets color Space of current image.  
Public PropertyExtraChannelInfo Gets or sets extra channel info. Always non-null, length is always equal to number of extra channels in the image. Has zero length if the image contains no extra channels.  
Public PropertyHeight Gets height of image in pixels.  
Public PropertyImageResolution Gets or sets image resolution.  
Public PropertyPalette Gets or sets image palette, for images that have Indexed colorspace.  
Public PropertySigned Gets or sets a value indicating whether image is signed or not.  
Public PropertyWidth Gets width of image in pixels.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAllocateImage Allocates pixel data based on the DIB header information.  
Public MethodClone Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.  
Public MethodGetAreaCopy Returns an array of pixels that are exact copies of pixels in the requested rectangular part of the image.  
Public MethodGetColumnCopy Returns an array of pixels that are exact copies of pixels located in requested column part.  
Public MethodGetImage Returns a reference to raw image store. Should be used to gain direct access to image pixels.  
Public MethodGetLineCopy Returns an array of pixels that are exact copies of pixels located in the requested area of image.  
Public MethodGetPixelCopy Returns exact copy of requested pixel.  
Public MethodGetRaster Returns reference to raw raster store. Should be used to gain direct access to raster pixels.  
Public MethodGetRowCopy Returns an array of pixels that are exact copies of the pixels located in requested row part of the row.  
Public MethodIsEmpty Tells whether store for the pixels has been allocated.  
Public MethodUpdateAreaFrom Updates the pixels of the specified rectangular area.  
Public MethodUpdateColumnFrom Updates part of column with new pixels.  
Public MethodUpdateLineFrom Exchanges the pixels of the specified line with new pixels.  
Public MethodUpdatePixelFrom Updates single pixel with new value.  
Public MethodUpdateRowFrom Updates part of row with new pixels.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCopyImageTo Copies internal image data to incoming dib.  
See Also


ImGearDIB Class
ImageGear.Core Namespace



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