ImageGear for .NET
moveAllPoints Method

Adds an X and Y offset to every point in the collection.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function moveAllPoints() : (Any);
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfPointCollection.moveAllPoints();

This function adds the given X and Y offset to every point in the collection. If deltaX and deltaY are both 0, this function will do nothing and will not raise the pointChanged event.

After this function has moved every point, it will raise the pointChanged event a single time, without specifying which providing a specific point. It will set ImageGear.Web.UI.PointEventArgs.index to 0 and ImageGear.Web.UI.PointEventArgs.length to the number of points in the collection.

See Also


PointCollection class
PointCollection Members



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