ImageGear for .NET
MouseEventArgs class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by MouseEventArgs.

Public Constructors
public ConstructorMouseEventArgs Constructor  
Public Fields
public FieldconstrainedImagePointThe position of the mouse in image coordinates. This point will always be constrained to lie within the bounds of the image.  
public FielddomEventThe original ASP.NET client framework event.  
public FieldimagePointThe position of the mouse in image coordinates. This point may lie outside the bounds of the image.  
public FieldmarkIf the target of the event was a mark, this property will hold a reference to that mark. Otherwise it will be null. Note that, for some mouse tools, the mouse up event will not include a reference to a mark because the mouse tool displayed the selection between the mark and the cursor.  
public FieldpointLiesWithinImageA flag that indicates whether the position of the mouse lies inside or outside the bounds of the image.  
public FieldwindowPointThe position of the mouse in window coordinates.  
Public Methods
public MethodpreventDefault Prevents the viewer from performing its default action with the event.  
See Also


MouseEventArgs class
ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace



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