ImageGear for .NET
pages Property

Gets the page collection that is contained in this document.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function get_pages() : ImGearPageCollection
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfImGearDocument.get_pages();

This property gives access to the pages that are contained in a document.

Example: The JavaScript code to add pages is shown below:

var doc = new ImageGear.Web.UI.ImGearDocument({documentIdentifier:'MyImage.tif'});

var _page = new ImageGear.Web.UI.ImGearPage({pageNumber:1,caption:'This is the Caption for page 1'});

doc.get_pages().addPages(_page); //add the new page to the document
See Also


ImGearDocument class
ImGearDocument Members



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