ImageGear for .NET
ContextMenuItem class

Represents an item in the context menu.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
ImageGear.Web.UI.ContextMenuItem = function( 
   type : ContextMenuItemType,
   text : String,
   contextMenu : ContextMenu,
   clickHandler : Function,
   checkHandler : Function,
   radioHandler : Function
) {};
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var instanceVar = new ImageGear.Web.UI.ContextMenuItem();

The way the PageView control works with context menu items depends on the type of the item.

For ImageGear.Web.UI.ContextMenuItemType.Separator, “type” is the only required field and the rest of the fields will be ignored by the PageView control.

For ImageGear.Web.UI.ContextMenuItemType.Popup, the PageView control requires “type”, “text” and “contextMenu” to display the popup item and the list of menu objects from the items field.

For ImageGear.Web.UI.ContextMenuItemType.UserMenuItem, in addition to “type” and “text” the PageView control requires clickHandler defined as function(pageView, mark). Optionally, you can specify checkHandler and radioHandler defined as function(pageView, mark) returning Boolean value to display the check and radio markers for the menu.

All menu items corresponding to the other ImageGear.Web.UI.ContextMenuItemType enumeration values are provided by the PageView control with default behavior.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace



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