ImageGear for .NET
ImGearThumbnailCtl Class Events

For a list of all members of this type, see ImGearThumbnailCtl members.

Public Events
Public EventItemAfterCreate This event is called after a new thumbnail item is added to the Thumbnail control.  
Public EventItemAfterLoad This event is called during the process of creating a thumbnail item.  
Public EventItemBeforeDelete This event is called as each thumbnail item is removed from the control, before the item is removed from the items collection.  
Public EventItemBeforeLoad This event is called during the process of creating a thumbnail item.  
Public EventItemClicked This event is called to indicate that the user clicked somewhere within the thumbnail control.  
Public EventItemDoubleClicked This event is called to indicate that the user double-clicked somewhere within the thumbnail control.  
See Also


ImGearThumbnailCtl Class
ImageGear.WPF Namespace
ImGearThumbnailItem Class



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