ImageGear for .NET
ImGearPageView Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearPageView.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorImGearPageView ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ImGearPageView class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBindArrowKeyScrollingGets or sets a value indicating whether or not the ImGearPageView control will handle the Arrow keys.  
Public PropertyDisplay Gets or sets ImGearPageDisplay object associated with the control, representing the image and display parameters.  
Public PropertyHorizontalArrowIncerment Gets or sets the Horizontal amount to scroll when using the left or right arrow keys.  
Public PropertyHorizontalLargeChange Gets the horizontal ScrollBar large change increment settings.  
Public PropertyHorizontalSmallChange Gets the horizontal ScrollBar small change increment settings.  
Public PropertyNotifyPageDown Gets or sets a reference to a DelegatePageCalculate delegate.  
Public PropertyNotifyPageUp Gets or sets a reference to a DelegatePageCaluclate delegate.  
Public PropertyPage Gets or sets page associated with the control - automatically mapped to the Page property of the associated ImGearPageDisplay object.  
Public PropertyUseConfiguredScrollbarIncrementsGets or sets a value indicating whether to use configured HorizontalSmallChange, HorizontalLargeChange, VerticalSmallChange and VerticalLargeChange increments, or automatically calculated values.  
Public PropertyVerticalArrowIncerment Gets or sets the vertical amount to scroll when using the up or down arrow keys.  
Public PropertyVerticalLargeChange Gets the vertical ScrollBar large change increment settings.  
Public PropertyVerticalSmallChange Gets the vertical ScrollBar small change increment settings.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEnableScrollBar Enable or disable specified scroll bar.  
Public MethodRegisterAfterDraw Registers a method to be called after default painting has been performed.  
Public MethodShowScrollBar Change visibility state of scrollbars associated with window.  
Public MethodUpdateOverloaded.  Invalidates the control's area, causing its contents to be repainted.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnPaintOverridden.  Derived classes can implement this method to handle paint events themselves.  
Protected MethodProcessCmdKeyOverridden.  Processes a command key.  
Public Events
Public EventAfterDrawEvent This event is called after default painting has been performed.  
See Also


ImGearPageView Class
ImageGear.Windows.Forms Namespace



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