| Name | Description |
| AllPages |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all pages of a multi-page image will be loaded into thumbnails.
| AutoFocus |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail browser gets focus when the mouse cursor is on the window.
| BorderWidth |
Gets or sets the border width, in pixels, around the thumbnail.
| CellSize |
Gets the full thumbnail item size, including size of item itself and spacing.
| Count |
Gets the number of items within the Thumbnail control.
| DragDropOptions |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the thumbnail browser can be a Drag source, Drop target or both.
| FontFamily |
Gets or sets title's font family.
| FontSize |
Gets or sets title's font size.
| FontStretch |
Gets or sets title's font stretch.
| FontStyle |
Gets or sets title's font style.
| FontWeight |
Gets or sets title's font weight.
| HighlightBackColor |
Gets or sets the color to use as a background for the highlighted Thumbnail item.
| HighlightForeColor |
Gets or sets the color to use as a foreground for a highlighted Thumbnail item.
| ImageSize |
Gets the thumbnail image size.
| Interior |
Gets or sets the amount of extra space around the thumbnail item.
| ItemHeight |
Gets or sets the height, in pixels, of the image to be drawn in each thumbnail item.
| ItemWidth |
Gets or sets the width, in pixels, of the image to be drawn in each thumbnail item.
| Margin |
Gets or sets the amount of extra space, in pixels, to leave between the left edge of the control and
the left-most item drawn inside the control.
| SelectionBackColor |
Gets or sets default background color for selected items.
| SelectionForeColor |
Gets or sets default foreground color for selected items.
| SelectionMode |
Gets or sets the selection mode for items.
| ShadowsVisibility |
Gets or sets a value specifying item's shadow visibility.
| ShadowWidth |
Gets or sets the width of item's shadow.
| ShowMagnify |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a larger popup image will appear by pressing the right-mouse-button down.
| Sort |
Gets or sets a value specifying sort mode used when a new item is added.
| SortComparer |
Gets or sets an object of a class implementing IComparer interface to make user sorting.
| Thumbnails |
Gets the collection of all items.
| TitleHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the item title.
| TitlesVisibility |
Gets or sets a value specifying thumbnails title visibility.
| VerticalScrollBarVisibility |
Gets or sets a value specifying if vertical scrollbar should appear when all items do not fit in the control.
| XSpacing |
Gets or sets the amount of horizontal space between thumbnails displayed on the control, in pixels.
| YSpacing |
Gets or sets the amount of vertical space between thumbnails displayed on the control, in pixels.
| ZoomFactor |
Gets or sets a value specifying zoom factor for displaying the magnified popup image.