| Name | Description |
 | ArtEnableMode |
Gets or sets the annotations mode.
 | ClientDebug |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Client side error logging is enabled.
 | ClientDebugErrorLevel |
Gets or sets the amount of information the Client PageView control will log.
 | DocumentIdentifier |
Gets or sets the DocumentIdentifier. This property refers to the image file path or database image key (column/field value).
 | EncodedDocumentIdentifier |
Gets the encoded format for sending over to the client. This property refers to the encoded DocumentIdentifier value.
This property is a read only property.
 | ImageFitType |
Gets or sets the initial Fit Type for the image to be displayed in the Viewer control.
 | ImageHandlerUrl |
Gets or sets the absolute URL to the Image Service (ImageGearService.svc).
 | IsContextMenuEnabled |
Gets or sets the context menu visibility.
 | MagnifierHeight |
Gets or sets the flying magnifier height in window pixels.
 | MagnifierMagnification |
Gets or sets the magnification of the flying magnifier.
 | MagnifierWidth |
Gets or sets the flying magnifier width in window pixels.
 | MouseTool |
Gets or sets the behavior of the left mouse button.
 | OnArtPageOpenFailed |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive a call to the client artPageOpenFailed event.
 | OnContextMenu |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive client events that
indicate when the user activates the context menu.
 | OnMarkAdded |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive client events that
indicate when a new mark is added to the collection.
 | OnMarkChanged |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive client events that
indicate when a mark on the page is changed.
 | OnMarkCreating |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive the client markCreating event.
 | OnMarkRemoved |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive client events that
indicate when a mark is removed from the page.
 | OnMarkReordered |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive client events that
indicate when a mark is reordered within the page.
 | OnMarkSelectionChanged |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive client events that
indicate when a mark is selected or unselected.
 | OnMarksLoaded |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive client events that
indicate when the marks are loaded from a JSON string.
 | OnMouseDown |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive a call to the client mouseDown event.
 | OnMouseMove |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive a call to the client mouseMove event.
 | OnMouseUp |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive event when a new mark is being interactively created. .
 | OnPageClosed |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive a call to the client imageClosed event.
 | OnPageOpened |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive a call to the client pageOpened event.
 | OnPageOpenFailed |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive a call to the client pageOpenFailed event.
 | OnPageOpening |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive a call to the client imageOpening event.
 | OnPropertyChanged |
Gets or sets user defined Javascript event handler to receive a call to the propertyChanged event.
 | PageNumber |
Gets or sets the Image Page number. This property refers to the page number to be displayed in a multipage document.
 | PresentationQuality |
Gets or sets the presentation quality for the image to be displayed in the Viewer control.
 | ScrollBars |
Gets or sets the type of scroll bars to display in the Viewer control.
 | VectorFormatsRendering |
Gets or sets the vector formats rendering way.
 | ViewMirror |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image mirror setting (left and right sides of an image are swapped) is required.
 | ViewRectangle |
Gets or sets the portion of the image that needs to be displayed.
 | ViewRotationDegreesClockwise |
Gets or sets the Rotation angle for display in the PageView control.