ImageGear21.Recognition Assembly > ImageGear.Recognition Namespace > ImGearRecPage Class : PopulatePDFPage Method |
The first two parameters supply the PDF document and page to be populated. The given PDF page must belong to the given PDF document. Also, the dimensions of the PDF page should be appropriate. For example, the aspect ratio of the PDF page should match that of the recognized image, although recognized data will be stretched to fit the PDF page if necessary.
The third parameter is optional and can be used to specify options. Pass Nothing to use default options, which populates the given PDF page with only hidden text elements suitable for searching, highlighting, selection, copying and pasting, etc.
Note: depending on the ImGearRecPDFOutputOptions.UseUnicodeText property value of the options parameter, this method will support either Windows ANSI or Unicode encoding for the recognized text. When using Unicode encoding only, this method will generate ImageGear.Core.ImGearWarning's if the recognized text contains characters that cannot be represented by the selected PDF font. Use the ImGearRecPDFOutputOptions class to specify the PDF fonts used for export.