| Name | Description |
 | CanApplyAdjustWhiteBalance | Returns true if ImGearEffects.AdjustWhiteBalance Method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyAging | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Aging method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyBoost | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Boost method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyCylinder | Returns true if ImGearEffects.WarpCylinder method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyDropShadow | Returns true if ImGearEffects.DropShadow method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyDuotone | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Duotone method can be applied to the specified page, otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyEdgeDetection | Returns true, if EdgeDetection Method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyEdgeMap | Returns true, if EdgeDetection Method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyFragment | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Fragment method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyFunctionalLights | Returns true if ImGearEffects.RadialLight method, ImGearEffects.DirectionalLight method, ImGearEffects.FreeRadialLight method and ImGearEffects.FreeDirectionalLight method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyGlowingEdges | Returns true if ImGearEffects.GlowingEdges method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyHighDensityRangeEffect | Returns true if ImGearEffects.HighDensityRangeEffect method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyHotWax | Returns true if ImGearEffects.HotWax method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyLensFlare | Returns true if ImGearEffects.LensFlare method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyMonochromeFilm | Returns true if ImGearEffects.MonochromeFilm method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyMosaic | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Mosaic method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyNightVision | Returns true if ImGearEffects.NightVision method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyOilify | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Oilify method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyParabola | Returns true if ImGearEffects.WarpParabolic method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyPerspective | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Perspective method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyPicturize | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Picturize method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyPinch | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Pinch method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyPixelate | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Pixelate method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyPointillist | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Pointillist method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyProcessArea | Returns true if ImGearEffects.ProcessArea method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyRemoveChromaticAberration | Returns true if ImGearEffects.RemoveChromaticAberration method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyRipple | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Ripple method, ImGearEffects.RippleFreeHand method and ImGearEffects.RippleTexture method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyRoundCorners | Returns true if ImGearEffects.RoundCorners method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplySepia | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Sepia method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyShear | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Shear method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplySketch | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Sketch method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplySolarize | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Solarize Method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplySpatter | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Spatter method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplySphere | Returns true if ImGearEffects.WarpSphere method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplySpotlights | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Spotlights method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplySpotlightsPreview | Returns true if ImGearEffects.SpotlightsPreview method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyToyCamera | Returns true if the ImGearEffects.ToyCamera method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyVignette | Returns true if ImGearEffects.Vignette method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |
 | CanApplyWave | Returns true if ImGearEffects.DirectionalWave method and ImGearEffects.RadialWave method can be applied to the specified page , otherwise - false. |