ImageGear for .NET
MarkEventArgs class Fields

For a list of all members of this type, see MarkEventArgs members.

Public Fields
public FieldlengthThe number of marks that are affected by the event. In cases where this value is greater than one, the mark and zIndex properties will not be provided by the event.  
public FieldmarkThe mark which is most directly related to the event. Events that affect multiple marks will not provide a value for this property.  
public FieldpropertyNameThe name of the property which changed. This is only valid for ArtPage.markChanged events.  
public FieldzIndexThe Z-index of a reordered mark. For ArtPage.markReordered events, this will be the new Z-index of the mark that was reordered. For other events, it will be the Z-index of the mark which is most directly related to the event and events that affect multiple marks will not provide a value for this property. The MarkCollection object will never provide a value for this property because the marks in a MarkCollection have no particular order.  
See Also


MarkEventArgs class
ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace



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