ImageGear for .NET
ImGearPresentationPageDisplay Class Members
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ImageGear21.Presentation Assembly > ImageGear.Display Namespace : ImGearPresentationPageDisplay Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearPresentationPageDisplay.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorImGearPresentationPageDisplay ConstructorOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of the ImGearPresentationPageDisplay class.  

Public Fields

Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ARTPageProperty Represents ARTPage dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)BrightnessProperty Represents Brightness dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ChannelsProperty Represents Channels dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ContrastProperty Represents Contrast dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DICOMDisplaySettingsProperty Represents DICOMDisplaySettings dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GammaProperty Represents Gamma dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)LUTProperty Represents LUT dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)OrientationProperty Represents Orientation dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PageProperty Represents Page dependency property.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAntiAliasing Gets bitonal anti-aliasing settings.  
Public PropertyARTPageGets or sets ImGearAnnotationPage object associated with this display page.  
Public PropertyBackground Gets background drawing attributes.  
Public PropertyBrightness Gets or sets the brightness level of the displayed image.  
Public PropertyChannels Gets the list of extra channels and their display options.  
Public PropertyColorAntiAliasing Gets color anti-aliasing attributes.  
Public PropertyContrast Gets or sets the contrast level of the displayed image.  
Public PropertyDICOMDisplaySettings Gets or sets the DICOM specific display contrast settings.  
Public PropertyGamma Gets or sets the gamma level of the displayed image.  
Public PropertyLayout Gets image display layout settings.  
Public PropertyLUT Gets or sets a display lookup table.  
Public PropertyOrientation Gets image orientation attributes.  
Public PropertyPage Gets or sets ImGearPage object associated with this display page.  
Public PropertyResampling Gets re-sampling attributes.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloneCopies ImGearPresentationPageDisplay class object.  
Public MethodConvertCoordinatesOverloaded.  Translates coordinates between image and device coordinate systems.  
Public MethodDrawToBitmapImageOverloaded.  Draws an image in a BitmapImage object.  
Public MethodDrawToCanvasOverloaded.  Draws an image in a Canvas.  
Public MethodExportExports the image and annotations content to an ImageGear.Core.ImGearRasterPage.  
Public MethodGetScrollInfo Returns new instance of image scrolling attributes object.  
Public MethodGetZoomInfo Returns a new instance of an object containing current zoom settings.  
Public MethodHandleScroll Handles scrolling events.  
Public MethodHandleUpdate Handles update event. This handler is called synchronously by page view control, when its Update() method is called.  
Public MethodHitTestCanvas Returns the index of the mark located at the screen position [x, y].  
Public MethodInternalUseOnly This method is used by ImageGear internally.  
Public MethodScrollTo Scrolls the image to the specified position and updates the scrollbars accordingly.  
Public MethodUpdateLUTUpdates the ImGearPageDisplay lookup table.  
Public MethodUpdateScrollFrom Updates image scroll attributes with new values.  
Public MethodUpdateZoomFrom Updates image zoom attributes.  
Public MethodZoomToRectangle Performs zooming to specified device rectangle and returns new zoom information.  

Public Events

Public EventLUTUpdated Occurs when the lookup table is updated.  
Public EventPageScrolled Occurs when a page is scrolled.  
Public EventPageZoomed Occurs when a page is zoomed.  
Public EventScrollChanged Occurs when a pages is scrolled or when the scrollbar visible or enabled state changes.  

See Also

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