ImageGear for .NET
ImGearVectorView Class Members
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ImageGear21.Formats.Vector Assembly > ImageGear.Vector Namespace : ImGearVectorView Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearVectorView.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAmbientColor Gets or sets ambient color of the view.  
Public PropertyContent Gets or sets a view content. The content is usually a block, but can be any entity.  
Public PropertyCullFace Gets or sets face culling mode for the view.  
Public PropertyDisplayHiddenLayers Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the layers that are marked as hidden.  
Public PropertyFocus Gets or sets a lens focus of the view.  
Public PropertyLightingEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether lighting is enabled.  
Public PropertyMaxLights Gets total number of available light sources.  

Public Methods

Public MethodAdjust Adjusts the view bounding box to match the bounding box of the vector data.  
Public MethodGetBkGnd Returns the current background color of the view.  
Public MethodGetLightSource Returns the light source with the specified index.  
Public MethodGetLookPoint Returns the point in 3D space that the view's camera is looking at. See corresponding method SetLookPoint for more information.  
Public MethodGetMatrix Returns the current transformation matrix of the view.  
Public MethodGetMinMax Returns the bounding parallelepiped of the view.  
Public MethodGetName Returns the name of the view.  
Public MethodMove Moves the camera according to the specified offsets.  
Public MethodRotate Rotates the camera on the specified angle about the specified vector.  
Public MethodScale Scales the camera according to the specified scale factors.  
Public MethodSetBkGnd Sets the current background color of the view.  
Public MethodSetLookPoint Sets the point in 3D space that the view's camera is looking at.  
Public MethodSetMatrix Sets the current transformation matrix of the view.  
Public MethodSetMinMax Sets the bounding parallelepiped of the view.  
Public MethodSetName Sets the new name for the view.  
Public MethodToScreen Converts 3D world coordinates to screen coordinates for the current view.  

See Also

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