ImageGear for .NET
ImGearIPTCMetadata Class Members
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ImageGear21.Formats.SimplifiedMetadata Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.IPTC Namespace : ImGearIPTCMetadata Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearIPTCMetadata.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorImGearIPTCMetadata ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ImGearIPTCMetadata class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyActionAdvised Gets or sets Action Advised IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyARMIdentifier Gets or sets ARM Identifier IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyARMVersion Gets or sets ARM Version IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyAudioDuration Gets or sets Audio Duration IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyAudioOutcue Gets or sets Audio Outcue IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyAudioSamplingRate Gets or sets Audio Sampling Rate IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyAudioSamplingResolution Gets or sets Audio Sampling Resolution IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyAudioType Gets or sets Audio Type IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyBitsPerComponent Gets or sets Bits Per Component IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyByLine Gets or sets By Line IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyByLineTitle Gets or sets By Line Title IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyCaption_Abstract Gets or sets Caption/Abstract IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyCategory Gets or sets Category IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyCity Gets or sets City IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyCodedCharacterSet Gets or sets Coded Character Set IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyColourCalibrationMatrixTable Gets or sets Colour Calibration Matrix Table IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyColourPalette Gets or sets Colour Palette IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyColourRepresentation Gets or sets Colour Representation IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyColourSequence Gets or sets Colour Sequence IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyConfirmedObjectDataSize Gets or sets Confirmed Object Data Size IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyContact Gets or sets Contact IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyContentLocationCode Gets or sets Content Location Code IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyContentLocationName Gets or sets Content Location Name IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyCopyrightNotice Gets or sets Copyright Notice IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyCountryPrimaryLocationCode Gets or sets Country Primary Location Code IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyCountryPrimaryLocationName Gets or sets Country Primary Location Name IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyCredit Gets or sets Credit IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyDataCompressionMethod Gets or sets Data Compression method IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyDateCreated Gets or sets Date Created IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyDateSent Gets or sets Date Sent IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyDestination Gets or sets Destination IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyDigitalCreationDate Gets or sets Digital Creation Date IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyDigitalCreationTime Gets or sets Digital Creation Time IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyEditorialUpdate Gets or sets Editorial Update IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyEditStatus Gets or sets Edit Status IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyEndPoints Gets or sets End Points IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyEnvelopeNumber Gets or sets Envelope Number IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyEnvelopePriority Gets or sets Envelope Priority IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyExcursionTolerance Gets or sets Excursion Tolerance IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyExpirationDate Gets or sets Expiration Date IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyExpirationTime Gets or sets Expiration Time IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyFileFormat Gets or sets File Format IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyFileFormatVersion Gets or sets File Format Version IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyFixtureIdentifier Gets or sets Fixture Identifier IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyGammaCompensatedValue Gets or sets Gamma Compensated Value IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyHeadline Gets or sets Headline IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyICCInputColourProfile Gets or sets ICC Input Colour Profile IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyImageOrientation Gets or sets Image Orientation IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyImageRotation Gets or sets Image Rotation IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyImageType Gets or sets Image Type IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyInterchangeColourSpace Gets or sets Interchange Colour Space IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyKeywords Gets or sets Keywords IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyLanguageIdentifier Gets or sets Language Identifier IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyLookupTable Gets or sets Lookup Table IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyMaximumDensityRange Gets or sets Maximum Density Range IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyMaximumObjectDataSize Gets or sets Maximum Object Data Size IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyMaxSubfileSize Gets or sets Max Subfile Size IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyModelVersion Gets or sets Model Version IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyNumberOfBitsPerSample Gets or sets Number Of Bits Per Sample IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyNumberOfIndexEntries Gets or sets Number Of Index Entries IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyNumberOfLines Gets or sets Number Of Line IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyObjectAttributeReference Gets or sets Object Attribute Reference IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyObjectCycle Gets or sets Object Cycle IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyObjectDataPreviewData Gets or sets Object Data Preview Data IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyObjectDataPreviewFileFormat Gets or sets ObjectData Preview File Format DataSet (2:200).  
Public PropertyObjectDataPreviewFileFormatVersion Gets or sets Object Data Preview File Format Version IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyObjectDataSizeAnnounced Gets or sets Object Data Size Announced IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyObjectName Gets or sets Object Name IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyObjectTypeReference Gets or sets Object Type Reference IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyOriginalTransmissionReference Gets or sets Original Transmission Reference IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyOriginatingProgram Gets or sets Originating Program IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyPictureNumber Gets or sets Picture Number IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyPixelSizeInScanningDirection Gets or sets Pixel Size In Scanning Direction IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyPixelSizePerpendicularToScanningDirection Gets or sets Pixel Size Perpendicular To Scanning Direction IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyPixelsPerLine Gets or sets Pixels Per Line IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyProductID Gets or sets ProductID IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyProgramVersion Gets or sets Program Version IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyProvinceState Gets or sets Province State IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyQuantisationMethod Gets or sets Quantisation method IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyRasterizedCaption Gets or sets Rasterized Caption IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyRecord2Version Gets or sets Record2 Version IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyRecord3Version Gets or sets Record3 Version IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyReferenceDate Gets or sets Reference Date IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyReferenceNumber Gets or sets Reference Number IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyReferenceService Gets or sets Reference Service IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyReleaseDate Gets or sets Release Date IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyReleaseTime Gets or sets Release Time IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertySamplingStructure Gets or sets Sampling structure IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyScanningDirection Gets or sets Scanning Direction IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyServiceIdentifier Gets or sets Service Identifier IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertySizeMode Gets or sets Size Mode IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertySource Gets or sets Source IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertySpecialInstructions Gets or sets Special Instructions IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertySubjectReference Gets or sets Subject Reference IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertySublocation Gets or sets Sublocation IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertySupplementalCategory Gets or sets Supplemental Category IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertySupplementType Gets or sets Supplement Type IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyTimeCreated Gets or sets Time Created IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyTimeSent Gets or sets Time Sent IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyUNO Gets or sets UNO IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyUrgency Gets or sets Urgency IPTC dataset.  
Public PropertyWriter_Editor Gets or sets Writer/Editor IPTC dataset.  

See Also

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