ImageGear for .NET
ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings Class Members
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ImageGear21.Formats.Dicom Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.DICOM Namespace : ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorImGearDICOMDisplaySettings ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings class object.  

Public Fields

Public FieldModality Provides access to Modality transform.  
Public FieldPresentationLUT Provides access to Presentation LUT.  
Public FieldStandardDisplayLUT Provides access to Standard Display LUT.  
Public FieldVOI Provides access to VOI transform.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyDisplaySummaryLUTGets or sets summary LUT based on all settings of the ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings class object.  
Public PropertyInverted Gets or sets a value indicating whether image contrast is inverted.  

Public Methods

Public MethodBuildSummaryLUTBuilds a standalone ImageGear.Core.ImGearLUT class object based on the transforms that are present in the ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings class object.  
Public MethodCloneCreates a deep copy of the ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings class object.  
Public MethodSetAutoVOITransform Automatically calculates VOI transform based on image's contrast range.  
Public MethodUpdateDisplaySummaryLUTUpdates DisplaySummaryLUT with current settings of the ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings class members.  
Public MethodUpdateFromMetadata Updates the object from DICOM metadata.  
Public MethodUpdateFromPresStateMetadata Updates the object from DICOM Presentation State metadata.  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodOnDisplaySummaryLUTUpdated Occurs when the display summary LUT is changed.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes.  

Public Events

Public EventDisplaySummaryLUTUpdated Occurs when the display summary LUT is changed.  
Public EventPropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes.  

See Also

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