ImageGear for .NET
LoadOverlay(ImGearPage) Method
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ImageGear21.Formats.Dicom Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.DICOM Namespace > ImGearDICOM Class > LoadOverlay Method : LoadOverlay(ImGearPage) Method

Page from which to load overlay planes.

Glossary Item Box

Loads overlay planes from DICOM metadata of the specified page.


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


Page from which to load overlay planes.

Return Value

New ImageGear.ART.ImGearARTPage class with annotations loaded from overlay.


Loads overlay planes from DICOM metadata (DataSet), attached to the image, and creates ART marks of type ImageGear.ART.ImGearARTImageEmb class for each overlay plane. Each mark is placed in a separate ART group.

Overlay planes do not support specifying the colors (even black or white). An overlay pixel can only be visible or invisible. All visible overlay pixels are displayed with the same color, which is specified by the application and not stored in the DICOM DataSet. By default ImageGear uses yellow color to display overlays. The application can change overlay color by going through all marks in the ImageGear.ART.ImGearARTPage class and changing palette of ImageGear.ART.ImGearARTImageEmb class marks.

See Also

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