ImageGear for .NET
BuildStandardDisplayLUT Method
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ImageGear21.Formats.Dicom Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.DICOM Namespace > ImGearDICOM Class : BuildStandardDisplayLUT Method

Input depth of the LUT. inputDepth = 12 is the typical value, sufficient for most medical images.
Output depth of the LUT. Set to 8 for a monitor that can display 256 shades of gray.
Characteristic curve of the display device.

Glossary Item Box

Builds Standard Display LUT.


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


Input depth of the LUT. inputDepth = 12 is the typical value, sufficient for most medical images.
Output depth of the LUT. Set to 8 for a monitor that can display 256 shades of gray.
Characteristic curve of the display device.

Return Value

New instance of ImageGear.Core.ImGearFullLUT class object, containing the Standard Display LUT, based on the provided characteristic curve.


This method builds a lookup table that maps pixel intensities from DICOM Presentation space (P-Values) into pixel intensities of the display device. Use this lookup table to initialize ImGearDICOMDisplaySettings class.

The source data for this method is a characteristic curve - an array that lists luminosities of display device corresponding to each pixel intensity.


C#Copy Code
double[] characteristicCurve = new double[] { };
// Fill characteristic curve, e.g. load from a file
ImGearFullLUT stdLUT = ImGearDICOM.BuildStandardDisplayLUT(12, 8, characteristicCurve);
Visual BasicCopy Code
Dim characteristicCurve As Double() = New Double() {}
' Fill characteristic curve, e.g. load from a file
Dim stdLUT As ImGearFullLUT = ImGearDICOM.BuildStandardDisplayLUT(12, 8, characteristicCurve)

See Also

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