ImageGear for .NET
BuildColorLimitsLUT Method
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ImageGear21.Formats.Dicom Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.DICOM Namespace > ImGearDICOM Class : BuildColorLimitsLUT Method

Lower pixel value limit. All pixels at or below this value will be pseudocolored.
An RGB value that will be used to fill (i.e. pseudocolor) the pixels with intensities equal or smaller than lowThreshold.
Higher pixel value limit. All pixels at or above this value will be pseudocolored.
An RGB value that will be used to fill (i.e. pseudocolor) the pixels with intensities equal or greater than highThreshold.
Lookup table to fill. It should contain three single-channel LUTs with input and output depths set to 8.

Glossary Item Box

Builds a LUT that highlights image extremes.


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


Lower pixel value limit. All pixels at or below this value will be pseudocolored.
An RGB value that will be used to fill (i.e. pseudocolor) the pixels with intensities equal or smaller than lowThreshold.
Higher pixel value limit. All pixels at or above this value will be pseudocolored.
An RGB value that will be used to fill (i.e. pseudocolor) the pixels with intensities equal or greater than highThreshold.
Lookup table to fill. It should contain three single-channel LUTs with input and output depths set to 8.


This method fills the lookup table (LUT) so that it highlights the brightest and darkest pixels in a grayscale image. Use this method to initialize ImageGear.Display.ImGearPageDisplay.LUT property. This is typically used to clearly see pixel values that are over-saturated (255 and up) or under-saturated (0 and below). However, this method lets you to customize the settings for the upper and lower pixel value limits with lowThreshold and highThreshold.

ImageGear.Display.ImGearPageDisplay.LUT property is used on the last stage of display processing, after that all geometric, color space and depth conversions have been done. This allows you to use a 24-bit RGB to 24-bit RGB lookup table for displaying images of any color space and depth.


C#Copy Code
ImGearPageDisplay pageDisplay = igPageView.Display;
// Highlight low values with blue
ImGearPixel lowColor = new ImGearPixel(3, 8);
lowColor[0] = 0;
lowColor[1] = 0;
lowColor[2] = 255;
// Highlight high values with red
ImGearPixel highColor = new ImGearPixel(3, 8);
highColor[0] = 255;
highColor[1] = 0;
highColor[2] = 0;
ImGearRGBLUT LUT = new ImGearRGBLUT(8, 8);
ImGearContrastSettings contrastSettings = ImGearContrastSettings.CreateDefault();
ImGearDICOM.BuildColorLimitsLUT(0, lowColor, 255, highColor, LUT);
pageDisplay.UpdateLUT(LUT, contrastSettings);
Visual BasicCopy Code
Dim pageDisplay As ImGearPageDisplay = igPageView.Display
' Highlight low values with blue
Dim lowColor As ImGearPixel = New ImGearPixel(3, 8)
lowColor(0) = 0
lowColor(1) = 0
lowColor(2) = 255
' Highlight high values with red
Dim highColor As ImGearPixel = New ImGearPixel(3, 8)
highColor(0) = 255
highColor(1) = 0
highColor(2) = 0
Dim LUT As ImGearRGBLUT = New ImGearRGBLUT(8, 8)
Dim contrastSettings As ImGearContrastSettings = ImGearContrastSettings.CreateDefault()
ImGearDICOM.BuildColorLimitsLUT(0, lowColor, 255, highColor, LUT)
pageDisplay.UpdateLUT(LUT, contrastSettings)

See Also

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