ImageGear for .NET
UpdateChannelFrom Method
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ImageGear21.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Processing Namespace > ImGearRasterProcessing Class : UpdateChannelFrom Method

Destination channel.
Source channel.

Glossary Item Box

Copies channel from channel referenced by channelUpdateWith to the channel referenced by channelToUpdate. The pages containing both channels must have the same width and height.


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


Destination channel.
Source channel.


C#Copy Code
// Separate original image into separate images for each channel.
ImGearChannelRef[] igChannelRefOriginal = ImGearRasterProcessing.SeparateChannels(igRasterPage);
// Save what the colorspace was of the image.
ImGearColorSpaceIDs igColorSpaceID = igRasterPage.DIB.ColorSpace.Value;
// Create a blank image with the same attributes as the original image.
ImGearRasterPage igRasterPageNew = new ImGearRasterPage(
    igRasterPage.DIB.Width, igRasterPage.DIB.Height,
    new ImGearColorSpace(igColorSpaceID),
    (int[])igRasterPage.DIB.ChannelDepths.Clone(), true);
// Separate new image into separate images for each channel.
ImGearChannelRef[] igChannelRefNew = ImGearRasterProcessing.SeparateChannels(igRasterPageNew);
// Update the first channel of the new image from the original image.
ImGearRasterProcessing.UpdateChannelFrom(igChannelRefNew[0], igChannelRefOriginal[0]);
// Combine channels back into new image.
igRasterPageNew = ImGearRasterProcessing.CombineChannels(
    new ImGearColorSpace(igColorSpaceID), igChannelRefNew);
Visual BasicCopy Code
' Separate original image into separate images for each channel.
Dim igChannelRefOriginal As ImGearChannelRef() = ImGearRasterProcessing.SeparateChannels(igRasterPage)
' Save what the colorspace was of the image.
Dim igColorSpaceID As ImGearColorSpaceIDs = igRasterPage.DIB.ColorSpace.Value
' Create a blank image with the same attributes as the original image.
Dim igRasterPageNew As New ImGearRasterPage( _
 igRasterPage.DIB.Width, igRasterPage.DIB.Height, New ImGearColorSpace(igColorSpaceID), _
 DirectCast(igRasterPage.DIB.ChannelDepths.Clone(), Integer()), True)
' Separate new image into separate images for each channel.
Dim igChannelRefNew As ImGearChannelRef() = ImGearRasterProcessing.SeparateChannels(igRasterPageNew)
' Update the first channel of the new image from the original image.
ImGearRasterProcessing.UpdateChannelFrom(igChannelRefNew(0), igChannelRefOriginal(0))
' Combine channels back into new image.
igRasterPageNew = ImGearRasterProcessing.CombineChannels(New ImGearColorSpace(igColorSpaceID), igChannelRefNew)

See Also

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