ImageGear for .NET
ImageGear.Core Namespace (ImageGear21.Core)
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ImageGear21.Core Assembly : ImageGear.Core Namespace

Glossary Item Box

The ImageGear.Core namespace is the basis of the ImageGear for .NET toolkit. This namespace contains classes to operate with graphics primitives, to license the product and, most importantly, primary ImageGear entities like page and document.


ClassImGearColorBook Represents a color book.
ClassImGearColorBookColor Represents a color in the color book.
ClassImGearColorBooks Represents a static collection of color books.
ClassImGearColorChannelInfo Spot channel class that uses regular color space like RGB, CMYK, etc.
ClassImGearColorProfile Represents a color profile.
ClassImGearColorProfileManager Provides global profile storage and allows enabling and disabling the automatic use of global color profiles for color space conversion and display operations.
ClassImGearDIB Encapsulates an image, which consists of the pixel data and its attributes.
ClassImGearDisplayChannel Represents display attributes for individual channel.
ClassImGearDisplayChannels Represents a collection of ImGearDisplayChannel class objects.
ClassImGearDocument Represents a collection of ImGearPage objects.
ClassImGearDocumentPageArray Represents a collection of pages within ImGearDocument object.
ClassImGearException Base class for all exceptions thrown by the ImageGear for .NET library. Contains error codes and optionally supplied data.
ClassImGearExtraChannelInfo This is a general extra channel class.
ClassImGearFullLUT Represents a lookup table that contains a full table of values for each possible input index.
ClassImGearLicense Manages licensing data (i.e., license type and key).
ClassImGearLinearLUT This class represents a lookup table that does not store the actual LUT values, but calculates output values dynamically using a linear formula.
ClassImGearLUT Provides a base for lookup tables (LUTs) that are used in ImageGear.
ClassImGearMaskColorChannelInfo Represents mask color channel info.
ClassImGearMaskSpotChannelInfo Represents a mask spot channel that uses a special (like Pantone) color.
ClassImGearMetadataDictionary Provides access to Metadata Dictionary that is used in ImageGear.
ClassImGearMetadataHead Head of metadata tree.
ClassImGearMetadataLeaf Represents metadata node that contains a data value and cannot reference other metadata nodes.
ClassImGearMetadataNode Provides generic functionality for the ImageGear metadata objects.
ClassImGearMetadataNodeList Collection of metadata nodes. Processes additional verifications concerning collection structure. Used as a part of ImGearMetadataTree.
ClassImGearMetadataTree Encapsulates entity of file format metadata tree.
ClassImGearMultichannelLUT Represents a multichannel lookup table (LUT).
ClassImGearPage Represents single-page image. In addition to image pixels, contains other attributes like ROI and metadata.
ClassImGearPixel Encapsulates all attributes and operations for an image pixel.
ClassImGearPixelArray One dimensional array of image pixels.
ClassImGearPolygon Defines a polygon shape.
ClassImGearRasterPage The class represents a raster image.
ClassImGearRGBLUT Represents RGB lookup table (LUT).
ClassImGearROI Region of interest associated with an ImGearPage instance.
ClassImGearROIMask 1-bit (binary) raster image that specifies a free shaped region of interest.
ClassImGearROIRectangle Rectangular region of interest.
ClassImGearSpotChannelInfo Spot channel class that uses a special color, such as Pantone.
ClassImGearTransparency Specifies image transparency attributes like transparent color for display.
ClassImGearVectorPage Represents a page that contains vector data.
ClassImGearVersion This class provides static properties to retrieve version info for the product assembly.
ClassImGearWarning Base class for all warnings handled by the ImageGear for .NET library. Contains error code and optionally supplied data.


InterfaceIImGearBinocular Defines Binocular shape interface.
InterfaceIImGearColorBook Defines color book interface.
InterfaceIImGearColorBookColor Defines color book color interface.
InterfaceIImGearDICOMDisplaySettings Specifies baseline features for DICOM display settings.
InterfaceIImGearDoublePoint Defines DoublePoint interface.
InterfaceIImGearDoubleRectangle Defines DoubleRectangle interface.
InterfaceIImGearEllipse Defines Ellipse interface.
InterfaceIImGearMetadataDictRecord Specifies baseline features for a metadata dictionary record.
InterfaceIImGearOrientation Defines Orientation interface.
InterfaceIImGearPoint Defines Point interface.
InterfaceIImGearRectangle Defines IImGearRectangle interface.
InterfaceIImGearResolution Represents image resolution interface.
InterfaceIImGearRGBQuad Defines palette entry interface.
InterfaceIImGearRoundedRectangle Represents a rounded rectangle.
InterfaceIImGearShape Defines Shape interface.
InterfaceIImGearSize Defines Size interface.


StructureImGearArrayRef Represents a reference to a particular location in an array.
StructureImGearBinocular Defines Binocular shape.
StructureImGearChannelRange Describes channels to be processed with ImageGear.Processing.ImGearProcessing class methods.
StructureImGearColorSpace Defines semantics of information, stored in all image channels.
StructureImGearCommonMetadataDictRecord Contains data for a common metadata dictionary record.
StructureImGearDoublePoint Stores a set of two double precision numbers that represent the point.
StructureImGearDoubleRectangle Stores a set of four double precision numbers that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
StructureImGearEllipse Stores a set of two ImGear values that represent the location and size of an ellipse.
StructureImGearOrientation Specifies orientation of page or display.
StructureImGearPoint Encapsulates a point in a 2-D coordinate system.
StructureImGearRationalInt Specifies rational fraction as an indicated division of Numerator/Denominator.
StructureImGearRationalUInt Specifies rational fraction as an indicated division of Numerator/Denominator.
StructureImGearRect Stores a set of four integer numbers that represent the location and size of the rectangle.
StructureImGearRectangle Stores a set of four integer numbers that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
StructureImGearResolution Stores ImageGear resolution data.
StructureImGearRGBQuad Specifies an RGB value.
StructureImGearRoundedRectangle This structure represents a rounded rectangle.
StructureImGearSize Implements a relative coordinate or position.


DelegateImGearAddWarning Specifies the warning processing routine to be called when the warning is added.


EnumerationImGearChannelGroups Specifies alpha channels.
EnumerationImGearColorSpaceIDs Specifies ImageGear color space IDs.
EnumerationImGearErrorCodes Specifies ImageGear error codes.
EnumerationImGearExtraChannelType Specifies all the supported types of extra channels.
EnumerationImGearFlipModes Specifies ImageGear flip modes.
EnumerationImGearMaskChannelModes Specifies whether the color indicates masked or selected area.
EnumerationImGearOrientationModes Specifies ImageGear orientation modes.
EnumerationImGearRenderingIntents Lists identifiers that controls how colors are transformed during color space conversion using color profiles.
EnumerationImGearResolutionUnits Specifies the measurements of image resolution units.
EnumerationImGearRotationValues Specifies the value of the rotation angle.
EnumerationImGearSpotColorVendorID Specifies all supported vendor IDs.

See Also

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