ImageGear for .NET
forEach Method
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ImageGear.Web.Isis Namespace Client API Library > ImageGear.Web.Isis Namespace > ImGearIsisTagStringCollection Class : forEach Method

The function to call.
An object that holds the context of the call.

Glossary Item Box

Calls the specified function once for each item in the collection.


ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function forEach( 
   method : function,
   context : object
) : (Any);
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfImGearIsisTagStringCollection.forEach(function,object);


The function to call.
An object that holds the context of the call.


This function calls the specified function once for each item in the collection.

When forEach calls the function, it will set this to context, the first function parameter is the item being enumerated, the second function parameter is the zero-based index of the iteration, and the third function parameter to the collection.

See Also

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