ImageGear for .NET
SkewAmount Property
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ImageGear21.Recognition Assembly > ImageGear.Recognition Namespace > ImGearRecPreprocessingSettings Class : SkewAmount Property

Glossary Item Box

Gets or sets amount of image skew to correct when performing deskewing.


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++

Property Value

Integer value.


This method specifies the value of the skew (slope value). The value given here is the number of pixels of vertical ascent on 1000 horizontal pixels. That is, the tangent of the deskew angle multiplied by 1000. The slope parameter must be in the range -577 to 577; that means the maximal absolute slope value is 30 degrees. Specifying a positive value rotates the image counter clockwise.

This value is used during the PREPROCESS process when the image deskewing mode is set to SET.

Use the DetectSkew method to detect the skew of an image containing machine printed text.

See Also

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