ImageGear for .NET
ImGearRecognition Constructor(String,Boolean)
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ImageGear21.Recognition Assembly > ImageGear.Recognition Namespace > ImGearRecognition Class > ImGearRecognition Constructor : ImGearRecognition Constructor(String,Boolean)

Path to load the native Recognition libraries and resources from.
Indicates whether the new instance creates its own unique collection of Recognition engine settings, or uses the shared global settings.

Glossary Item Box

Initializes a new instance of the ImGearRecognition class and specifies whether it should create its own unique collection of Recognition settings or use the shared global settings.


Visual Basic
Managed Extensions for C++


Path to load the native Recognition libraries and resources from.
Indicates whether the new instance creates its own unique collection of Recognition engine settings, or uses the shared global settings.


The native Recognition engine is initialized during this constructor, unless it has already been initialized by a previously created instance, in which case a reference to the engine is obtained.

resourcePath is used to specify where the native Recognition libraries and resource files are located.

If createUnique is true, each instance created by this constructor will create and access its own unique collection of Recognition settings. If false, the new instance will use the global collection of Recognition settings that is shared by all other non-unique instances created in the same process.

An application should use exception handling to catch any exceptions thrown by this constructor.

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