PrintImage Event

Thrown when the image is printed onto the paper.
Public Event PrintImage As ImageXView.PrintImageEventHandler
Dim instance As ImageXView
Dim handler As ImageXView.PrintImageEventHandler
AddHandler instance.PrintImage, handler
public event ImageXView.PrintImageEventHandler PrintImage
public: __event ImageXView.PrintImageEventHandler* PrintImage
event ImageXView.PrintImageEventHandler^ PrintImage
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type PrintImageEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following PrintImageEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

GraphicsGets the System.Drawing.Graphics object.  
GraphicsUnitGets the graphics unit.  
ImageRectangleGets the image's rectangle.  
PrintRectangleGets the printer's rectangle.  
PrintTypeGets the type of the print that was performed.  
See Also


ImageXView Class
ImageXView Members



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