ImageXTag Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ImageXTag.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorImageXTag ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyTagElementsCountGets and sets the number of data items in the tag.  
Public PropertyTagLevelGets and sets the nesting level at which the tag resides. Tag Level can be 0 - 4.  
Public PropertyTagNumberGets and sets the Tag ID Number.  
Public PropertyTagTypeGets and sets the type of data within the tag.  
Public Methods
Public MethodGetTagBytesGets tag data that are of the type Bytes.  
Public MethodGetTagDoubleGets tag data of type Double.  
Public MethodGetTagFloatRetrieves a float array of values contained within the ImageXTag.  
Public MethodGetTagInt16Retrieves a short array of values contained within ImageXTag.  
Public MethodGetTagInt32Gets tag data of type long or int32.  
Public MethodGetTagRationalGets Tag Rational data.  
Public MethodGetTagSBytesRetrieves signed short array of values contained within the ImageXTag.  
Public MethodGetTagSRationalGets tag SRational data.  
Public MethodGetTagUInt16Retrieves a short array of values contained within the ImageXTag.  
Public MethodGetTagUInt32Gets tag data of type unsigned long or UInt32.  
Public MethodSetTagBytesSets Tag Data of based on byte array input.  
Public MethodSetTagDoubleSets tag data of type Double.  
Public MethodSetTagFloatSet Tag Data of type Float or Single.  
Public MethodSetTagInt16Sets the ImageXTag data based on the short array input.  
Public MethodSetTagInt32Overloaded. Sets Tag Data of type long or int32.  
Public MethodSetTagRationalSets Tag Rational Data.  
Public MethodSetTagSBytesSets Tag Data based on the byte array input.  
Public MethodSetTagSRationalSets Tag Rational Data.  
Public MethodSetTagUInt16Sets tag data of type UInt16.  
Public MethodSetTagUInt32Sets tag data of type unsigned long or UInt32.  
See Also


ImageXTag Class
Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk Namespace



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