

ImagXpress® supports loading, viewing and saving of high gray medical images. The following properties and methods are for high gray images.


MEDModalityLUTEnabled Gets and sets the use of the Modality Look Up Table (LUT).
MEDPhotometricInterpretation Gets and sets whether a zero in the image data is black or white.
MEDRescaleIntercept Gets and sets the intercept of the linear conversion of pixel data in the DICOM grayscale transformation.
MEDRescaleSlope Gets and sets the slope of the linear conversion of pixel data in the DICOM grayscale transformation.
MEDValuesOfInterestLUTEnabled Gets and sets the use of the Look Up Table for the Values Of Interest processing.
MEDWindowCenter Gets and sets the center value used to specify a linear conversion from stored pixel values to values to be displayed after any Modality LUT or Rescale Slope and Intercept conversions have been applied.
MEDWindowWidth Specifies the width value used to specify a linear conversion from stored pixel values to values to be displayed after any Modality LUT or Rescale Slope and Intercept conversions have been applied.
ViewBrightness Gets and sets the view brightness level of the displayed image.
ViewContrast Gets and sets the view contrast level of the displayed image.
ViewGrayMode Gets and sets the mode of gray for the image.


ApplyGrayscaleTransform Permanently levels an 8 through 16-bit gray image to an 8-bit gray image.
MEDGetModalityLUT Retrieves the Modality Look Up Table information.
MEDGetValuesOfInterestLUT Retrieves the Values Of Interest Look Up Table information.
MEDSetModalityLUT Defines a DICOM Modality Look Up Table.
MEDSetValuesOfInterestLUT Defines a DICOM Look Up Table.



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