Area & Region


ImagXpress® has two main but mutual exclusive ways to process an area or region on an image. This is with either the Area method and properties or the Region methods and properties. When either the Area is enabled or the Region is enabled the other is disabled. When the Area or Region is enabled the image processing only occurs in this area or region. When both are disabled then the image processing occurs on the entire image.

The RgnSprite properties and methods are included here because the RgnSprite is created by having a Region created. The RgnSprite has no affect during image processing. The RgnSprite calls are a way for moving a floating window containing a portion of the image to another location within the image.


IPArea Gets the enabled status of the update area rectangle, set by the last call to the Area method.
IPAreaHeight Gets the height of the update area rectangle set by the last call to the Area method.
IPAreaWidth Gets the width of the update area rectangle set by the last call to the Area method.
IPAreaX Gets the left component (x-coordinate) of the top-left of the update area rectangle set by the last call to the Area method.
IPAreaY Gets the top component (y-coordinate) of the top-left of the update area rectangle set by the last call to the Area method.
RgnEnabled Gets or sets whether the image processing update Region is enabled or disabled.
RgnHeight Gets the height (in pixels) of the current image processing update region.
RgnSpriteX Gets the x-coordinate of the top-left position of the current sprite within the image.
RgnSpriteY Gets the y-coordinate of the top-left position of the current sprite within the image.
RgnVisible Gets and sets an indicator if the current image processing update region is visible.
RgnWidth Gets the width (in pixels) of the current image processing update region.
RgnX Gets the left most x-coordinate (in pixels) of the current image processing update region.
RgnY Gets the top most y-coordinate (in pixels) of the current image processing update region.


Area Specifies the update area in the current image where subsequent image processing functions are performed.
RgnAddPoint Adds a point to the current region wherein subsequent processing methods will be performed on the current image.
RgnCreate Creates a new region.
RgnCreateSprite Creates a copy of the current region in a transparent window that can be moved or pasted into the image.
RgnDelete Deletes an existing region.
RgnDeleteSprite Deletes the current sprite.
RgnMoveSprite Moves the current sprite to a new position within the image.
RgnPasteSprite Pastes the current sprite into the image.



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