Accusoft ImagXpress 13
enumBinarizeMode Enumeration
Specifies the type of binarization applied in the Binarize method.
BIN_MODE_GRAY2The goal of this mode is to generate an 8-bit grayscale image from the input. Useful for scaling to gray before another Binarize call with more options.
BIN_MODE_PHOTO_HALFTONE1The goal of this mode is to generate a 1-bit image from color or grayscale photographic-type images, reproducing the shades of gray in the image by black and white dots of various sizes. The angle and pitch of the halftone grid are controllable.
BIN_MODE_QUICK_TEXT0QuickText mode is to produce a clean 1-bit image for viewing and storage. This is generally used for document type images consisting of dark text and lines on a white or gray background. The result of the operation is to replace the text and lines in the image by black and the background by white. The controlling parameters for QuickText mode are: IPbinLowThreshold, IPbinHighThreshold, IPbinLCEFactor and IPbinBlur.
See Also

IPBinarizeMode Property  | Binarization



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